Chapter 1

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"You two have really did it now. You just had to scare a group of first years to years huh Marcus?" Said Joshua as he followed behind Oliver and Marcus. The three were following behind Filch who was mumbling about how punishment should be different at Hogwarts. "I have a charms quiz in the morning that I now can't study for."

"You lose sleep over a quiz Quill?" Said Marcus snidely. He never understood the point of studying.

"You wouldn't understand because you fail every quiz professor Flitwick gives." Joshua snapped back. Filth snapped around.

"Quiet you lot." He said before he returned to grumbling to himself.

Hagrid stood outside of his hut with a lantern with his dog fang at his side. A large bag was slung over his shoulder as well.

"Quill, Flint, and Wood. In trouble again I see." Said Hagrid. "I hope y'ur not puttin' snakes in the bathrooms again."

"Don't remind me." Said Oliver with a shudder. He never liked snakes. "Trying to fix Marcus' mess was traumatizing enough."

"And again, it seems we have been roped into one of Marcus' punishments. Again." Said Joshua as he side eyed Marcus who just sneered at him.

"Alrigh', well. I hope y'ur prepared for mud because today y'ur helpin' me feed the creatures on the grounds. Startin' with the Bowtruckle tree." Said Hagrid. He waved filch off and led the three down into the forbidden forest.

"Now." Hagrid began as he approached the tree. "Do you lot remember what the Bowtruckle eats?"

Joshua answered almost immediately.

"They eat insects. They seem to like Wood lice a fair bit."

"Very correct Mr. Quill. Mr. Flint could you grab the wood lice."

Marcus flinched a bit. He hated insects, though he didn't show it. Marcus grabbed the jar and quickly handed it to Hagrid as to avoid handling the jar any longer than he needed to. Oliver, who approached the tree in curiosity, had a Bowtruckle find refuge in his hair. The creature was extremely small compared to its tree mates.

"He seems to like y'ah Oliver." Said Hagrid as he placed the wood lice on the tree. "A bit bullied that one. The others can't seem to give him a break."

"Poor thing." Concluded Oliver before he placed the Bowtruckle back in its tree. The group then moved on to a open clearing of trees. Hagrid stopped as if there where something there.

"These here are Thestrals." Announced Hagrid. Joshua and Oliver stared with confusion. Hagrid noticed this. "I keep forgettin' you lot can' see them." Hagrid said in a lower voice

Marcus however could see them. He slowly approached them and stood in the middle of a group of four. Hagrid, who could see them as well, looked on with confusion.

"Can you see them Thestrals Mr. Flint.?" Asked Hagrid. Marcus nodded slowly as he ran his hand over the beak of the Thestral in front of him.

"Who was it?" Asked Joshua. "Who did you see die?"

"My mother." Marcus said flatly. "She passed away right in front of me."

"I'm so sorry." Said Joshua with an apologetic look on his face. Oliver's confusion remained.

"I'm still confused. How can he see them but we can't?" Asked Oliver. Joshua rolled his eyes.

"Honestly is there anything other than Quidditch in your mind. Thestrals can only be seen by those who have seen death." Said Joshua. Oliver looked over at Marcus apologetically with Marcus returning a small nod. Their detention continued with very little talking since the Thestrals. Only speaking to answer Hagrid's questions, which Joshua did the most of.

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