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Siskie woke up to the Winter biting and tugging at his hood. Siskies eyes opened and he looked at Winter smiling he petted Winters head softly taking his hood from Winters mouth he stood and stretched his limbs. "Alright,Alright im up ya silly Pup. Are you hungry?". Siskie said looking at his furry friend, Winter only stared and tilted her head licking her lips barking once. "Alright, lets go get some food. I have money from yesterday.". Siskie looked at Winter and picked her up placing her in his jacket he took his bat and bag walking out of the rundown house. The pair walked to a small little fast food place down some blocks. Siskie walked into the Restaurant and ordered a small burger for himself and 5 plain hotdogs for Winter walking outside and to some benches Siskie put winter on the table and then gave her the hot dogs. Siskie opened his burger from the wrapper and started eating alongside his furry friend.

Soon after they both finished Siskie stood up and bought some water bottles taking a small tray he poured water onto it and gave the water to Winter. Lapping it up quickly winter drank the water as Siskie delivered it. Some people stared at the pair but noone spoke everything was quiet around Siskie and Winter this pleased Siskie he just chuckled looking at everyone who stared. "If i knew any better and which i do. Staring at someone without saying anything is Highly highly rude!".  Siskie said Laughing at his words he smiled after his laugh petting winter who finished her drink saving whatever water bottles he had left he stored them into a bag. Siskie hoisted the bag over his shoulder and then picked up Winter leaving a tip on the table he walked away from the restaurant and continued to walk. Eventually coming across a abandoned subway entrance he walked down it and hopped over the barriers. Winter poked her head from siskies jacket and looked around sniffing the musty air of the subway.  Siskie walked and sat down on a bench letting Winter out of his coat the little puppy leaped and trotted on the dirty subway station floor sneezing at the dust. Siskie chuckled at his furry friend and picked her up Putting his sleeve over her little snout he wiped it. "There ya go winter. Clear snout clear air.". Winter responded with a series of licks to Siskies face and a tail wag she yapped and jumped onto Siskies shoulder then slipped into his hood sitting in it using her hind legs to allow herself to peak over Siskies shoulder. Siskie laughed more and pet Winters head softly. "Better then the Jacket winter?". Siskie said chuckling as Winter curled up and napped in his hood. "Id certainly say she is comfy.". A tall Muscular man with a all black suit and a black tie said his face concealed by a giant black helmet. Siskie jolted a bit the hairs on the back of his neck stood up and he got a chill from the presence of the man. "Who the hell are you?! How did you find me?!". Siskie asking the man his voice in a slight shout he reached for his bat and gripped its handle. "Who I am is not relevant. Who are you young one?". The male asked staring at Siskie through his helmet. "I am Siskie and this is Winter..my friend. Now your name!". Siskie shouted at the male who stood just 7 feet from him. "I do not have a name as you do not have a last name. But my friends call me...All For One." Siskie stared at the man his hands tightened around the handle of the bat his knuckles turning white. He recognized the name remembering he heard someonetalk a out him.

"All for one...your the villain that Symbol of Whatever fought! Your dead! Everyone saw ot! You died!".

Siskie shouted at the male Winter woke up from the shouting jumping from Siskies hood she hud behind Siskie. "I am very much alive my boy! Infact I am better! I am stronger!". All for one exclaimed to Siskie. "If you dont mind me asking Young Siskie. What is your quirk?". All for one asked Siskie tilting his metal guard head to the side. "Tch! I dont have a quirk Dumbass. If i did you would not be standing.. Your scaring my puppy! Now scram before the metal of my bat gets coated in the stain of your blood!".
Siskie threatened the man his voice in a sort of growl and sort of intimidating. All for one shrugged off Siskies threat and walked towards the boy a red dagger like prick moved quickly and stabbed Siskies neck he was immediately lifted up by whatever stabbed him. "Threats are not threats unless you are able to go through with it boy."  All for one said calmly looking at Siskie who winced at the stabbing from the red prick. "Do you...know what I can do to you boy? Or what Ican do ...for you?". All for one asked his hands behind his back calmly resting. His posture straight and solid professional almost it matched his suit neat clean and professional looking but also intimidating. "I don't know..i dont c-care!". Siskies bat swung towards All for ones head but stopped abruptly as All for one held the bat in his hand he slowly crushed the bat in his palm. Siskie watched a bit horrified as his bat was crushed and torn. Siskie grabbed the red peick and bent it himself it pulsed and suddenly retreated and Siskie was dropped. "There you go. Siskie, You have a quirk. Now you can live up to your threat boy.". All for one threw Siskie into a stone pillar it collapsed with Siskie falling. Siskie held his ribs coughing a.he stood up his nails turnss red on his hands. His eyes Turned red, his hair turned black, and his teeth changed he now had two Vampire like teeth. The wind knocked out of him he gasped for air once catching it he stood up putting his fists up. "You still have fight. Surprisingly just a second ago you were gasping for breath. Maybe I underestimated you.". All for one said staring at Siskie.All for one raised one hand and made a fist his arm suddenly bursted with energy and he stanced himself to attack Siskie he swung his fist towards Siskie who barely avoided it. Siskie brought his clawrd left hand acrossed all for ones back slicing it leaving scratches and causing him to bleed. Siskies eyes glew red, He and All for onw froze in place. Siskies wounds suddenly healed and All for ones body changed he instead now had Siskies wounds, broken rib cage, bruises,  scratches, and a loss of oxygen all for one fell weakened a bit yelling in pain Siskie covered his ears and stumbled backwards hearing All for ones yells in his brain. Winter ran to Siksies side once All for one finished yelling he attempted to push himself up. Siskie took the time to pick up Wi ter and run away up the stairs and away from the area.

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