Arguing gets you nowhere

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"It's okay kitty, Alison didn't mean it." Pat attempted to comfort her

"If she didn't mean it, then why did it hurt so bad?" Kitty sobbed

"I hate to say it, but I believe Alison meant every word" Captain said, keeping a straight face, but deep down he was hurt.

Robin nodded "Kim Wild always been annoyed by us"

"Well it's Thomas' fault." Julian pointed his finger in Thomas' direction

Thomas let out a furious gasp " Me?! She is the reason Alison constantly rejects my advances." Thomas pointed his hand towards Fanny

"I Have done nothing of the sort! How rude of you to accuse a lady-"

"You are always telling Alison to be lady like and now she thinks she's too good for me!"

"Thomas, she's married!" Pat intervened

"Not you too!" Thomas yelled "Why is everyone against me?"

"It's not just Thomas' fault." Captain interrupted the argument

"Thank you!" Thomas grinned

"It's Julians fault." Captain pointed his stick towards Julian

"What have I done?" Julian said, offended

"You're constantly pestering Alison to get you something, like a mobile phone! And when you're not doing that, you're using your powers to make life difficult for her!"

"Julians fault? No. It kitty's fault." Robin said

Kitty gasped loudly, then buried her head in her hands and wept. Pat tried comforting her.

"Kitty always follow Alison!" Robin said, folding his arms

"But it be Pat's fault" Mary butted in

Pat looked up with a face of pain. "What have I done?"

"You be too nice." Mary stated

Pat looked confused, he didn't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment.

The ghosts went back and forth accusing eachother.

"STOP IT!" Kitty screamed at the top of her lungs "THIS IS WHY ALSION LEFT! YOURE ALL HORRIBLE!"

The ghosts immediately went silent.

"Why can't we all just get along? Because of you I'll never see Alison again!" Kitty yelled with tears streaming down her face

"Well actually she'll be back in a week." Julian said with a raised finger.

Kitty ran off.

"She's right guys, all we ever do is make things harder for Alsion." Pat frowned and sat down on the couch. Thomas sat down next to him

"I suppose my advances could be seen as annoying..."

"You think?" The ghosts said in unison

"And I can be too judemental of Also in at times." Lady Button admitted

"And I can be annoyings too." Mary said

"I suppose we all have things that we could improve on." Captain stated

The ghosts all nodded.

"By the time Alison comes back, we'll be changed ghosts!" They all cheered

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