Chemistry (kuroken)

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"Kenma!" Kuroo called. Practice had just ended and Kenma left the second he could. He usually waited for Kuroo, his best friend of many years, but today he just left.

Why did he leave? Well, he realized something. A few nights ago, Kenma was at Kuroo's house hanging out with them. Out of nowhere, Kenma had a sudden urge to kiss the other boy. It freaked him out and he left soon after. Whence home, he contemplated everything, and called Shoyo. Hinita and Kenma talked for almost an hour and it was the first time Kenma seemed vulnerable to Hinita.

The concluded that Kenma had a crush- and that's putting it lightly- on his best friend. Kenma wasn't sure what to do. He could tell Kuroo, that was an option, but Kenma refused to ponder over the fact that Kuroo might like him in return.

So Kenna's next solution was to avoid Kuroo until the feelings went away... as if that would actually work.

"Kenma, wait!" Kuroo ran faster, finally catching up to the boy. "Why'd you leave without me?" He asked, out of breath.

Kenma simply shrugged, worrying if he opened his mouth, the truth would spill out. Kuroo frowned at the lack of response.

"Did I do something?"

"No." Kenma avoided eye contact with the taller boy and stared at the ground before him.

"Well, do you want to come over? My parents wont be home until the end of the weekend, and it will be really lonely." Kuroo asked hopefully.

Kenma sighed. If he said yes, he'd have to be careful not to let anything slip. But if he said no, Kuroo would know something was wrong and ask him until he finally got an answer. To Kenma, the latter seemed worse.

"Okay, sure."

Kuroo smiled and walked closer to his friend. "Yay! You should spend the night too, if you want."

"Yeah," Kenma simply said, shrugging.

For a moment, Kuroo was worried by Kenma's monotone voice, and wondered if the boy really wanted to be with him, or if he just felt bad. But then he remembered Kenma just had a soft voice, and he shouldn't take it personally. 

The two walked in a comfortable silence to the elder boy's house. As soon as they were inside, they went to Kuroo's room. Kenma set his bag down by the door and looked to Kuroo. The taller boy smiled at him. 

"Want to watch a movie?" 

"U-uhm... sure." Kenma squeaked. 

Kuroo and Kenma went downstairs and searched for a movie. They couldn't find anything on Netflix, so Kuroo turned on the cable. He turned on a random movie channel. It was on a commercial break, so they weren't sure what movie would come on.

When the movie did come on, neither of them paid much attention to it. Kenma kept glancing at the taller boy, wanting to just jump into his arms, but he couldn't do that. The cat-like boy was positive Kuroo would never feel the same.

Little did he know, Kuroo had liked him since he was fifteen. There had always been something about the boy that pulled him to him. He couldn't explain it, he just had always had that feeling. 

"This movie's boring." 

Kenma shook himself out of his trance. "Oh.. we can do something else." Kuroo smiled and stood up. 

Time skip bc im bored

"Would you ever kiss a guy?"

Kenma was taken aback by the question. The two boys had gotten bored and decided to play truth or dare. At that moment, Kenma regretted agreeing to play. 

"Um, I... um... yes?"

Kuroo broke out into laughter. "You don't seem to sure."

Kenma glared, "It's not like I've ever done it. How would I know if I like it?" 

"First of all, that's the longest sentence you've said all day. Secondly, do you want to do it?"

A blush crept on to the younger boy's face. He hid his face to try and hide it, but it was too late. Kuroo had seen. 

"If you want to, maybe I can help..." Kuroo now had his own blush, unsure of where this sudden confidence had come from. 

Kenma looked up, staring at his best friend of many, many years. "W-what?"

"Nothing... forget it." 

"No- I was just a bit... shocked." Kenma crawled over to the older boy, a small smile forming. Kuroo's eyes widened, but he didn't move away as Kenma's lips came closer to his own. Instead, his arms wrapped around the boy's small frame and pulled him close.

They ended up meeting in the middle. It was a soft kiss. Quick. But it left them both wanting more. Kenma crashed their lips together for a second time, this one being longer and full of passion. Full of emotion. Letting out everything the two had held in for years. Since the concept of oxygen exists, they had to pull away after a minute.

"Wow" was all Kenma could manage to say.

 "You can't even know how long I've wanted to do that." Kuroo grinned.

I might add in more of an ending later- but like i want to post smth now so *throws aggressively* here.  :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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