Chapter 23 | Caught Kissing

Start from the beginning

Julian POV

Jaskier grinned into the kiss like a madman as he felt how Geralt was prying at his shirt and gods above, the teasing was making everything just more intense. He wasn't hard, not yet. Only semi right now as he did only just initiate what they were doing. He wound his hand around Geralts jaw to his hair and instantly went for the leather chord, ridding of it from Geralts hair slowly and threw it on the direction of the couch which thankfully was now not too far away. It landed in the middle cushion with a soft thud. That was probably where most of their clothing was going anyways.

Jaksier gave a small smirk into the kiss as he trailed his other hand around Geralts abdomen then to his pants, fiddling with the belt and undoing it with one hand rather too well. Dandelion gave him a hand with that part he had to admit.

He undid the man's pants instantly, not really going to do anything else just yet. So his hand trailed bakc up to the buttons of Geralts vest, undoing each one far too slowly for either of them really. But it was slow, tedious, and he loved it because he loved when Geralt lost control and needed him.

Geralt POV

Two could play that game, Geralt thought. Two could fucking play that game. He smirked into the kiss himself. One hand moved up to Jaskier's hair, tugging his head back and breaking their liplock so that the man's throat was exposed. Geralt pressed his mouth along the exposed column of Jaskier's throat, leaving sharp, short nips that he was careful not to make too hard. It wouldn't do to hurt the man or to draw blood.

His hair was now brushing against Jaskier's collarbone and chest, since it was free of its confines. As the hand at his vest worked, Geralt brought his free hand up to Jaskier's own shirt. He worked a little quicker, but it was methodical and efficient, rather than desperate. He could hold out this round. Jaskier wouldn't drive him mad that easily.

Geralt truly didn't mind being pushed to that brink, though. He trusted Jaskier. He trusted himself, too, trusted himself not to hurt the man and to listen if he said stop, even if his conscious mind wasn't all the way there.

He got the last button on Jaskier's shirt open before his own vest was off, and shoved the shirt off the man's shoulders. It didn't slide to the floor, but it have Geralt a new range of skin on which to leave marks. He began littering them along Jaskier's shoulder, trailing a line down from his neck.

Julian POV

Jaskier grinned as he felt Geralt return allt hat he gave and damn well more. His tie loosened itself as Geralt ripped down his damn shirt and started to attack his neck and fuck, he was in heaven. His hand managed to finally finish the vest and he slid his hand up to the top of Geralts buttons as well, instantly trying to work their way along them but he was still one step behind Geralt. Expecially in this game because hell he makes him weak and wanting.

Jaskier finally reached the bottom of the shirt, tugging it out from inside of Geralts pants and slid his hand up the man's bare abdomen. He let out a string of moans front he pleasure, so caught up in Geralt right now that anything the man did was found to make him moan out and stop thinking. Jaskier gave another moan as he felt how Geralt was attacking all over his throat, he bared his neck even more to the man even though he was at his shoulder. His hand threaded into Geralts hair as he leaned into the mans kisses, a shudder going down his spine at the hot lips on his own cool skin.

Geralt POV

Geralt allowed his tongue to join the game as Jaskier was working in his shirt. He pressed the flat of it against the man's shoulder and kept his lips there as well. His eyes fluttered closed and he fought to keep them open. It was heady, being here, surrounded by and engulfed in Jaskier's scent and taste. He moved back to the crook of the man's neck, noting with pleasure that Jaskier had bared his throat all the more.

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