Untitled Part 1

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    "Isaiah!" I yell as I run into the tent. I ignore the judging stares of the healers and look for her. "Hello, my Rose." She coos from a bed near me and I practically slide over on my knees. She gives me a weak smile before coughing into her hand, covering it and the floor in blood. She won't live past today. I know it.

    She won't get to see her brothers or her baby sister or her Mother. She won't see her friends again or talk to them or play piano ever or sing. I won't get to see her, hold, kiss, hear, talk to, or dance with her. My heart, my love, my garden, my Sun....will be gone. After that thought time seems to stop moving and I see it.

     Death. It almost looks scared, as if it didn't know what to do or rather didn't want to do. I look back at Isaiah's frozen face and she looks scared almost as if she knew what was going to happen yet she couldn't and I did. My Sun was going to burn out. I close my eyes and take a deep breath before trying to calm my shaking hands and teary eyes.

     I signal for it to come, come take away her suffering and tears, and take her somewhere comfortable and warm, surrounded by love. Time resumes back to normal like nothing happened. But Death is here and he's going to take away my Love and others. My heart aches and breaks for them all of them. Isaiah looks at me with eyes full of fear and sadness.

    "I want the hurting to stop." She whispers before sitting up and leaning over the side of her medic bed to rid herself of more blood. She groans and gently lays back down, the color of her face quickly leaving. I gently grab her blood-stained hand and look her in the face once more. "I know." I before placing a gentle kiss on the back of her palm. I look back up to see Death staring at us, impatiently tapping its foot.

      I hold up a finger and give her another kiss but to her forehead this time and she giggles through blood-stained teeth. "I love you." I whisper between sniffles. I know Death won't wait much longer. I start singing, I don't know the song and I don't care to know it, Isaiah loves it when I sing.

     "I'm Mr. Loverman." I sing between small cries and sniffles. Isaiah decides to join and waste her final breath with me. "And I-" She stops to vomit more blood. "Miss my Lover...." She stops before she can finish her sentence. The grip she had around my hand goes limp. Her eyes are dead and her face has no color. Death has taken her and I do the only thing I can think of as I watch her leave me. I sob. 

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