I gave him a sad smile "It's not that easy with me Peter." He rolled his eyes at me.

"And I'm stubborn so don't test me ok. I'm going to call my Aunt and tell her that I'm spending the night, you're going to phone and order food, then we're going to talk about our pasts so we know where each other is coming from." I nodded and he went and phoned his Aunt as I went and ordered us a pizza then sulked back to my room and flopped onto my bed. The bed room door opened and I felt the bed move slightly as Peter sat down beside me. I decided to be the polite Canadian I am and move from laying on my stomach to sitting beside him.

"Rock, paper, scissors for who's origin story first?" I asked noticing he was also nervous.

"Sure" we rotated so that we where somewhat facing each other.

"Loser goes first?"

"Sounds good" he said with a small smile. We played one round and I beat Peter's scissors with a rock. He sighed and took a deep breath then started telling me about his life growing up, how he was bitten by a radio active spider, gaining his powers, his Uncle Ben's murder, working at the bugle, quitting when Stark offered him a job, taking freelance photography jobs for extra cash, and finally him coming out to his aunt and his friends. I pulled him into a tight hug when I saw tears forming in his eyes. He could have ended up like us I thought pulling him closer. Suddenly the door bell rang causing us to jump, we looked at each other in panic then started laughing when we realized that it was the pizza. We both hopped up racing to the door for who was going to pay. Unfortunately for me Peter remembered he has web shooters and well he decided to cheat and use them on me sticking my feet to the ground. Once Peter got the pizza and the delivery man left Peter shot me an innocent smile as he put the box in the kitchen then came back to rescue me.

"Really?" I said pouting and placing my hands on his waist.

"Yup now let's eat then its your turn" he said leading us to the kitchen.

Why are we following him in our own house?

So we can stare at his cute ass, Stupid.

"Earth to Wade?" Peter's voice called out interrupting mine and Mr. Yellow box's conversation.

"Uhm yes, sorry I was talking, or is it thinking, I don't know, but what ever it would be called to the boxes" I rambled only earning a look that would have to be described as concerned confusion. "I'll explain after supper, what were you asking or saying?"

"Where are your glasses and plates?" he asked.

"Uhm I don't really have any" I replied, Peter just nodded then cleared the beer bottles off of the kitchen chairs then sat down and started digging into the pizza. I sat across from him and dug in as well.

"This is really good pizza" Peter commented with a mouthful of pizza.

"Yeah it is plus they also sell the best weap-" I stopped myself, Peter raised an eyebrow but didn't say another word about the pizza-weapon shop.

Once we finished I got up and pulled out Peter's chair, he smiled and got up then followed me back to my bedroom. We sat back down how we had been sitting. "I guess its my turn now, eh?" I said letting my Canadian side slip. Peter nodded and I told him my story, well at least the parts I was 100 percent certain of (a lot of damage to the head will make you lose your mind). I told him about my cancer, Joining the weapon X program, being fused with Wolverine's healing factor, the whole betting on who would be the first to die (hence the name Deadpool), earning apologetic looks from Peter. I then started explaining my mental state with being depressed, suicidal, and hearing/seeing voices all the while Peter's expression turned to one of worry. I quickly gave him a reassuring smile to prove that I was ok, fucked up, but ok.

"Wade, I'm sorry, I can't imagine what you went through" my spider said pulling me into a tight embrace, I wrapped me arms tightly around. Quickly I remembered one important thing I forgot to tell/show him. Dude don't he'll run away and then we'll be alone again. I sighed then let go of him.

"One more thing Peter" I said pulling my hood away revealing my mask underneath. Peter gave me a confused look seeing that I had been wearing my mask with my street clothes.

"Do you ever take that thing off?" he asked slightly worried.

"Not really, and especially not in front of or around other people" I said emphasizing the whole around other people thing as I grabbed the bottom of my mask and pulled it up off my head. I held my breath and closed my eyes waiting for the pitch forks and fire to come out.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N: hey guys, so if you've noticed yes I've kinda put them in an alternate universe just because I write how I write and Wade ended up being more sensitive by accident, also sorry for the short chapter I just would like each chapter to be in one point of veiw and the events I have planned for the next chapter kinda need to be in Peter veiw point, so yeah. any ways thanks for reading

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