"Thank you, Mrs. Lupin!" She waved at them. "Should we get a carriage? Sirius is still outside with Peter, and James will most likely get on last minute."

"Yeah sure. How is he?" he asked her, referring to Sirius. Lynn had written to him over the holidays, keeping him informed on the events over Christmas.

"He won't talk about it," she replied, glancing at Sirius through the window, who was busy trying to grab the muggle magic tricks Peter was showing him. "How was the full moon?"

"Oh, it was fantastic, thank you for asking," Remus rolled his eyes at her. She wacked him on the arm, making him hiss in pain. "Ow, fine. It was shit without all of you, but I managed. Any mental breakdowns lately, Vixen?"

She glanced around them to make sure no one was listening. "I know you don't like how I'm keeping it a secret," she sighed. "But please stop bringing it up."

"Well, when my friend suddenly collapses in the middle of the hallway because of violent hallucinations, I'm not going to just ignore it," he said sternly. He gestured towards an empty carriage, sliding open the door for her.

"Oh please, it wasn't that violent, and I was completely fine," she waved off, abandoning her trunk on the floor. "And I am grateful you haven't told anybody about the hallu- halloween! I can't wait for Halloween!" She exclaimed when she noticed James had suddenly appeared at the doorway.

"Yeah me too! I heard a rumour they're inviting the Midnight Witches to play on Halloween! It's a bit early to start thinking about your costume though, Lynn," James said cheerfully.

"Remus!" Sirius and Peter both shoved themselves into the carriage. Sirius slung his arm around Remus's shoulders. "How's your furry little problem?"

Remus sighed and shook his head at him. "More furry than usual."

Lynn sat at the window, stretching out her legs with a groan. "Can one of you boys chuck my luggage on the rack? I hate pulling that bloody trunk everywhere."

Sirius flopped down beside her with a grin. "Awww. Is poor Lynnie's legs tired?"

"Are you going to sit with Cathal, Lynn?" Peter asked. Sirius's smile tightened. "We missed you last time."

James gave her a weary look, which thankfully the others didn't notice. She was starting to regret telling James about the whole, 'Cathal is a werewolf hater' situation.

She hadn't spoken to Cathal since their argument in the bookshop. He had sent her a couple of letters over the holidays, but she had been unsure of what to reply with. She didn't dare tell Remus what Cathal had said about werewolves. He was already so stressed because of his OWLs. She already knew he would find some way to blame himself.

"I think I'll stay with you, Petey," she smiled. "You still need to show me those muggle magic tricks you've been talking about."

"Oh!" Peter clapped his hands in excitement. "Okay! So there's one you can do with a coin..."


When they arrived at Hogsmeade station, the carriages were waiting for them. Lynn wasn't surprised this time when the skeletal black horses were hooked up in front of them. She watched as they stomped their hooves on the ground restlessly as they waited for the students to fill the carriages.

One turned its head to look at her as Sirius helped lift her trunk into the carriage. Its eyes were fully white, and it seemed to sense that she could see it.

"Lynn?" Sirius questioned her. She jumped and looked up at her friends, who were all seated in the carriage watching her curiously. "Do you still see the horses?"

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