Derek took the phone from Dejah walking out the room. "Your grandmother.." Elle said. "Figures..".

"Why are you calling her phone?"

"I just wanted to talk to her.."

"You could've asked me to talk to my daughter-"

"She is my grand daughter Derek!"

"Don't you ever say that! You don't have the right to call her that after you dis owned the both of us!" He whispered loudly in his office.

"Who told you that?!"

"You said it your self! You don't want nothing to do with us! Dejah doesn't need anyone from that fucked up family! Her mom died and we have not been okay for 25 1/2 years! Don't call again.."

He hung up. He took some deep breathes before heading back to the round table. He avoided the stares and went back to his seat giving Dejah back her phone.

"We have two new agents joining the we have upgrades coming to the conference room. Our team is finally expanding and the more we expand the more we achieve." Aaron says passing out files.

"Tara Lewis and Elle Greenaway?!"

"Only Derek knew but I am coming back and moving back." Elle says smiling.

"Tara is a Dr?" Alex asked smiling.

"Like me and Alex?" Spencer asks smiling. "Yes." Aaron says grinning at the happy faces.

"Well good to know We're not the only smart people no more." Spencer adds fist bumping Alex.

"Oh no buddy your too smart for me." Alex laughs.

"She's right but I mean we're all smart.."

Everyone turned to Derek, "okay maybe I'm not the brightest." He chuckles. The team laughs and this is how they spend the rest of their day.

"SSA Aaron Hotchner?"

Everyone turned their heads to the door seeing a tall brown woman in the door way. "Everyone this is Dr. Tara Lewis." Aaron says shaking her hand.

Penelope smiled going to hug her, "Penelope Garcia- teams technical analysis" she say with a cheeky smile.

"Emily Prentiss."

"Jennifer Jareau but you can call me JJ."

"David Rossi."

"Derek Morgan."

"Dejah Morgan-Rose."

"Elle Greenaway."

"Dr. Alex Blake."

"Dr.Spencer Reid." He nodded her way. She nodded back at him smiling. "It's nice to meet you all. Erin Strauss told me you all are outstanding." "And are y'all related?" She said looking at Dejah and Derek.

"Father, daughter" everyone said. They all laugh and sat down.

They were all talking and getting to know Tara, and she was getting to know them.

"Well us Morgan's have to go. Training." Derek said as he and his daughter stood from their seats.

"Can I come?" Spencer asked awkwardly. Dejah laughed and ruffled the genius hair, she took his hand and pulled him from his seat and the three left the room.

Dejah pov

Me, Spencer, and my dad made it to the FBI's gym on first floor. We moved straight into the gym and it was empty and dark. Seeing that we was the main unit using this gym most of the other units use it if their order to. I changed my clothes into something more gym appropriate, I walked out the changing room and my dad was just getting started.

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