He steps back, brings his hand to his chest as if trying to slow his rapid heartbeat, and quickly turns to you silently asking you to make it stop.

"Step on the button again," you say while laughing.

"What? No! Why would I do that when that's what woke it up in the first place."

"Suit yourself. We'll just have to wait this out then," you shrug. Ben glances around and notices fellow shoppers are staring. He quickly turns to hide his reddening cheeks and looks at you to determine whether or not you're actually trying to end his suffering. It wouldn't be the first time you've tricked him.

Cautiously, Ben presses the button with his foot and sighs with relief when Santa stops moving and singing.

"What the hell was that? What is this thing?" He hesitantly approaches Santa and eyes him up and down, looking down at his feet to ensure his foot is nowhere near the "try me" button.

"It's a Christmas decoration. It's mechanical. It—"

"So it's essentially a droid?" Ben asks, lifting the cheap-looking beard as if checking for wires and circuits.

"Um... not exactly. It doesn't have a purpose like droids. What you just saw is literally all it can do."

"That's it? What's the point of it?"

"To entertain people I guess?"

"That's what people consider entertainment? That was horrid." He releases the beard and steps away from it, coming to your side.

It's then he notices the wall of different Christmas lights, the fake Christmas trees, and the numerous inflatables on display.

"What...what aisle are we in?" he asks.

He walks away from you, down the aisle, and looks for the seasonal sign. When he sees it, his brow furrows and he crosses his arms over his chest.

You're in the random ornament aisle when a specific one catches your eye. Knowing how big of a sap he is, while he's distracted, you grab the "Our First Christmas" ornament. You quickly place it in the cart towards the bottom so he won't notice.

"This is for another holiday, isn't it? A more obnoxious one from what I see."

"Yes, it's another holiday. I think you'll like this one. There aren't any...what did you call trick or treaters? Oh! Children wandering around aimlessly begging for food."

"What is the purpose of this holiday?" he asks while staring up at the light display.

"It's...there's a lot to explain but I'll do my best once we're home. But to simplify it, this one is more about family."

"Family," he mumbles. His eyes finally leave the lights as he turns his attention from the holiday decor to you and smiles.


"A tree?" Ben asks, skeptically.

He grabs your hoodie off the coat rack and holds it out to you to slide into. Once it's on, he zips it up, grabs your jacket, and holds it out for you to put over your hoodie. You stare at him questionably as he bundles you up, ensuring you're dressed warm enough before you brave the cold weather. He takes a step back, gives you a once over, and nods, satisfied with how well you're bundled. You roll your eyes and grab his scarf off the coat rack. He knows the routine and leans down so you can throw it around his neck.

"Yes, a Christmas tree."

You wrap the scarf around his neck two times then lean over and grab his beanie. He leans over once more and lets you pull it down over his hair. He pretends to be put out by your coddling but it's obvious he enjoys it.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2020 ⏰

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