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Dick | vulgar slang | noun
• a penis
• { with negative } anything at all

| Adjective |
• someone who's an asshole
• douchebag
• an ass

In which all girls use when it comes to guys. No matter what shape or form we come up with. It's always gonna be used.

It's outstanding how a word has so many meanings. Society is good for that. Making a simple word and changing the meaning to whatever we want in that situation.

My mom is a English teacher for Webster High. She's always complaining on how "high school" students take "beautiful" words and changing them making them ugly.

Maybe the word was ugly to begin with?

Growing up in this century makes me wonder about what new words are gonna be used in play.

Like last week in my AP English class. This girl named Emily Rose cause her friend Claire Corbin a dik. Not Dick as in Dick but dick as in dik.

"Alaska?" Mr. Perez said jumping me put of my thoughts.


"Do you know the answer to number 4?" he asked.

"Umm.." I started to say.

"The answer is undefined cause x to the 0 power doesn't have a answer." Aaron Harden said.

I turned around and he winked at me.

"She's suck a dik." Emily Rose whispered to her friend Claire Corbin and Whitney Hayes.


Bare with me guise. This book is all about the word and I have so many good Ideas for this book.




And I made two covers to this book can you guys choose one?

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