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You: Kuro-channnnn ('Д⊂ヽ
Kuroo: Hm? What's wrong? (・・ ) ?
You: Can I go to ur house again? (*'▽`*)💙
Kuroo: Want my attention so badly huh? <ΦωΦ>
You: ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ? 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Kuroo: How dare you use that on me, might as well come by 😾
Kuroo: I'll meet you by the entrance
You: Okay!! 🥰

It takes Oikawa around two hours to get to Tokyo. They don't live to far from each other but not as near either. Whenever any of them visit they bring souvenirs Either Oikawa brings his one and only Milk Bread (even tho they sell it over there) and Kuroo just brings either sweets or little things such as hair clips or alien related things pffft- Two big dorks.

"AHH KURO-CHAN HI!!" Oikawa gave him a nice big hug, it's been a day they seen each other but a week since anyone visited.

"Tokyo is pretty, can we visit a cafe later??" Oikawa is very fond to sweets. Kuroo not so much but he can eat afew.

"Yeah sure, we can also visit a beach if you like" Kuroo loved going to the beach during summer, may be hot but he likes to relax and hear the ocean.

They head to Kuroo's house, it's quite decent. Nothing to expensive or that's what it looked like. It's just different from his.

"So, whatcha wanna do? We'll just kill time before heading to the cafe" Kuroo has asked.
"Hmm.." Oikawa is currently flopped down on his bed basically leaving the own owner sitting in the corner.

Oiks noticed a picture of him and Kenma when they were kids. "Kuro-Chan, you knew Kenma when you were smaller?" Curiosity hit Oikawa, after all it reminds him of him and iwa.

"Mhm, Childhood best friends one might say~" Kuroo dazed off. "That's cutee" Oikawa teased slightly.

"How about you? Is it that Iwa dude??" Kuroo smirked. Oikawa hit him with his own pillow.

"Iwaizumi is his name but yeah. We ended up growing up together, pretty sure he found me annoying haha" Oiks awkwardly laughed. He wasn't sure if he did truly but to assume he does.

"I see why" Kuroo chuckled. "Hey! Mean and uncalled for!" Oikawa pouted. "I was only joking, calm down" Kuroo smiled.

"You seem to be a nice guy, I'm sure you look after him a lot. If he's dumb to just call you plain annoying he's missing out" Kuroo ruffles Oikawas soft fluffy hair. For a moment Oikawa pieces together what Kuroo just told him and blushes.
"Kuro-Chan you're too sappy!!" He attacks him.

Both boys are quite in position. Kuroo on top of Oikawa in bed, how spicy. Room reads sexual tension between them. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) They have a moment to daze off into each others eyes or just slightly zoning out. Both boys come to realization and heat up.

Kuroo gets off him 'probably made him uncomfortable' Kuroo thought. "..Sorry haha" "No it's fine, just got lost in the fun" Oikawa played it off as if what just happened to them meant nothing. That is,, for now. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


It's around 2 In the afternoon.  After awhile of chatting Kuroo speaks up, "We should start heading out now" Oikawa smiles.

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