Stretch Marks

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Pairing: Steve x reader

Genre: Fluff, Comfort

Characters: Steve, Y/N

Description: Y/N doesn't like her stretch marks, but Steve absolutely adores them.

You stood in front of the mirror, a disgusted look on your face. You looked down and sighed at the marks that stretched across your stomach and thighs. You always wished that you looked like the other girls at school: pretty, thin and popular.

You tucked your top back into your skirt and sat on the edge of the bed, letting the tears fall down your face. You hated your stretch marks and the way that you looked, you were nothing special so you had no idea why Steve wanted to be with you.

Steve walked up the stairs and heard soft sobs coming from his room, so he popped his head in and seen your body shaking with cries. He rushed into his room straight to your side and immediately pulled you into him, stroking your hair.

"Hey, shhh. Whats the matter, honey? Has something happened?" Steve lifted your chin upwards to look into your eyes. You shook your head and leaned your head on his shoulder, sniffling a little.

"I don't know why you want to be with me. I'm not pretty and thin like the other girls, and my stretch marks are horrible. I just hate the way I look!"

Tears sprouted from your eyes once more as you finished your sentence. Steve moved from the bed to the floor, sitting in front of you.

"Hey, don't you say those horrible things about yourself. You are absolutely beautiful just the way you are. I love you, Y/N, and that will never change. And as for your stretch marks, they're my favourite thing about you. They make you special."

You looked up at Steve with a slight smile on your face as the meaning of his words sunk in. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him in for a kiss, showing him just how much those words meant to you.

"Thank you, Steve. What would I ever do without you?" He flashed you a smile and pecked you on the cheek.

"I don't ever want to find out."

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