Chapter Twenty-Two

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Never been better," he grinned.

He fell into step next to her as they walked toward the clubhouse, and Allie felt her heartbeat tick up a little too high, pounding away in her chest again.

"We're ready for ya inside," Juice explained and then winced a little. "Well, we were ready. There was a, ah, situation this morning that we're still tryin' to weed through, and I'm supposed to stall out here for a few minutes before bringing you in."

"A situation?" Allie laughed a little nervously. "Do I want to know or...?"

Juice shrugged, glancing back at the clubhouse with a grimace. "Well, I guess if we go in there and Tig is still hollering, you might as well know what he's hollering about."

She found herself frowning back at him, feeling more than a little apprehensive about being here right now.

Juice tilted his head toward the doors, like he was listening for something, and then shook his head. "Nope. Tig is still hollering. Might as well tell you - who knows how long he's gonna be going off for," then he glanced at her apologetically, "Tig and Chibs may have, uh, accidentally...crossed swords last night."

Allie's eyes just about popped out of her head, and a laugh erupted from her throat. "What?"

He nodded with yet another grimace. "Yep. It's been quite the morning around here."

"I bet," she laughed again, shaking her head.

"I mean," he shrugged. "You'd think they would just never speak about it again right? Pretend the whole thing never happened? At least that's what I would do, but I guess the real problem is that Tig and Chibs are still pretty drunk and high from last night, and so they're both pretty much still on a tear. It's been equal parts horrifying and hilarious at the same time, if you know what I mean."

Allie nodded back to him, biting down on her lip to hide her smile. "I see. That does sound pretty horrifying and hilarious."

"Yep. Pretty much."

Juice leaned closer to the door again, and Allie couldn't help herself, following suit, and was pretty sure she heard someone yell - who sounded an awful lot like Tig - you motherfucking bastard, always trying to go swimmin' in my wake! Well, how do ya like it now? Which, of course, was followed by a crash and some more yelling.

Toxic masculinity at its finest.

"Annndd we're back at square one," Juice sighed. He scrubbed a hand over his face, and then shifted his attention back to her. "Hey, I got a legal question for you, if that's okay."

Allie just shrugged. "Sure. What's your question?"

Juice glanced back at the clubhouse a little sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck in thought before reaching into his back pocket for his cigarette pack. After lighting one up, he glanced at the clubhouse one more time as if to make sure no one was headed out toward them.

"I might've, uh," he grimaced again and huffed out a laugh. "I might've gotten a DUI a couple weeks ago. Apparently, they recommend you get a lawyer to help you with those kinds of things."

"Oh," Allie shrugged again. "Okay. Well, I don't have a lot of experience in that area, but I'm happy to help however I can."

Juice appraised her carefully for half a second, and his lips lifted lightly. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

"So what's your question then?"

He pushed out a heavy sigh. "Well, seeing as how I'm an idiot, and it's my second one, I guess I just...I don't really know what I'm in for. I figured I might be able to get out of any real time in County if I'm lucky, but I know I'm gonna be grounded, literally, for some time, and I guess I'm just lookin' for a little help in figurin' out what to expect, what I'm gonna have to do."

Fly By Night | Sons of Anarchy Fanfiction | Jax Teller x OCNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ