1. Anemoia

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Anemoia: Nostalgia For A Time You've Never Known.

Approaching the great hall was never scarier. The weasley family surrounded by a body, laying lifeless on a stretcher. A sobbing George, clutching onto a sobbing Molly. Voldemort's followers killed him. The room was cold and she couldn't stand it. It was as if her breath were smoke.

His hand outstretched to his lover. Remus Lupin died alongside his wife. Fred Weasley entered the great hall not long after. He raced over to his family and mourned the death of their lost ones. Bill, Arthur, Ron, Fred & George, Ginny, and Molly embraced each other.

"Today was going to be better than any day I have ever experienced before. Do you know why, Ollie?" Hermione Granger was currently shoving books angrily into an endless bag of luggage.

"Because you are finally admitting to Ron that when you two kissed during the war that you actually have feelings for each other?" Olympia said without looking up from her books, half of a green apple in her hand. She was sitting on the bay window in the girls common room with her back against the wall, one leg up in front of her and one on the dangling off the side.

"No! Of course not. RONALD apparently only kissed me out of fear. Rubbish!" Hermione tossed a gryffindor scarf into her bag. "Because I am going to write to the one person who will make Ronald feel less of a man!" She smirked at her own idea.

Olympia was confused. So she was going to write anybody except for Neville Longbottom? "Ron isn't a man. He's a boy. Despite him being eighteen, he's still immature. He doesn't have a romantic bone in his body." She finished her apple and tossed it into a nearby garbage can. Olympia placed a bookmark in the book she was reading. A muggle book, Pride and Prejudice.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Like you have one! Kissing Dean Thomas during a war just because everyone else is kissing is not romantic!" Her words were meant to sting, but Ollie laughed. "Hey hey! We just didn't want to feel left out. Besides, Dean isn't into women. Have you seen the way he looks at Seamus?"

"I'm writing to Viktor Krum." Hermione brought the topic back to her. "He told me to write him, but I never did. I thought Ronald would have told me how he actually felt instead of being a prat." She pulled the zipper on her bag and sighed. "Are you all packed? We should be leaving now. Bill Weasley is expecting us." Hermione straightened herself up and sighed.

Bill Weasley. Olympia sat up as fast as she could. "Did you say Bill Weasley is expecting us? Hermione! I thought we were traveling by floo powder! I look like a bum!" Olympia has had a schoolgirl crush on Bill Weasley for three years. The tall, redhead with long hair made her knees weak. Olympia caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and gasped. "Hermione, he can't see me like this. I look awful!" She ran over to the large brown cupboard which usually had clothes in it, but she had forgotten that she already packed her clothes.

"Oh move over!" With a simple wave of Hermione's wand, her legs were shaved, her hair in a nice updo, makeup perfectly done and an outfit that complemented her curves. "Hermione Granger. You are my fairy godmother." Olympia wrapped her limbs around Hermione in a tight squeeze. "You'll have to teach me that incantation, por favor." Olympia wiggled her eyebrows. This caused Hermione to giggle and blush faintly.

A faint knock was heard from the door. Without either girl telling the person on the other side to come in, Ron barged in. There was always a tension in the room with Hermione and Ron. "I'll be off then. I have a letter to VIKTOR KRUM to write." Hermione smirked then exited the room.

Ron had an exasperated look on his face. "She hates me." He said lowly. "No! Ron, no! Stop it. She doesn't hate you. She hates what you do, how you make decisions, the way you eat, your excuses for everything, how you treated her cat in third year, ho-" Olympia stopped speaking when Ron gave her a blank stare. "You're great, Ron. If you two are meant to be together, it will happen. You just can't let your noggin get in the way again." Olympia reassured him as she knocked on his head as if to say, "anyone home?".

"We should get going, Ollie." Ron let out a long sigh. It was clear he needed a hug so she hugged him from behind. "You're an amazing guy, Ron." Olympia was burying her face in his back. She was a very touch starved person so this was nothing new to Ron. "You're the most wonderful girl I know. Speaking of girl, why are you dressed like an actual girl today?" Ron. Olympia pulled away from the hug and slapped him upside the head before grabbing her luggage and exiting the girls' dormitory for the last time. Moment passed, Ronald. Moment passed.

Stepping down the rotating staircase with Ron close behind, she took a long look at the building. Olympia was joined by Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "This is it. We're graduated. Ron actually graduated with us so now I owe George Weasley a galleon." Olympia groaned. "Did somebody say my name?" A lower voice spoke. Olympia turned to see two tall gingers towering over her. The same gingers that put acid pops into her mouth whenever she was snoring at a sleepover once. The same gingers that treated her like a little sister.

"Yep. I believe I owe you this from a bet we made five years ago." Olympia reached into her pocket and pretended to search for something. "It's in here somewhere... oh here it is!" She stuck her hand out and put her middle finger up at him. George did not grin, but Fred Weasley bursted out into laughter. Her hand returned back to its resting position as the group laughed at her joke, even George joined eventually.

"Even their laughing sounds cheap." An obnoxious voice from behind was followed by two obnoxious chuckles. "Let me guess who's behind me. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goy- oh wait not him he's dead. It must be Parkinson." Olympia spoke with spite in her tone. When she did turn around, she was correct. "Did you see that, George?" Fred crossed his arms. "I think I did see that, Fred." George crossed his arms as well.

"See what?" Malfoy asked spitefully. "It talks!" The twins said in unison. "An uncaged ferret!" Fred elaborated. Nearly everyone that was outside of the great hall chimed in to laugh with the group. Malfoy's hands were in fists. "Malfoy, I would unclench those knuckles if I were you." Fred's stance changed entirely. He went from crossed arms, jokingly, to stepping towards Draco with his hands to his sides. "You can try to hit me but this won't end well. Two hits." Fred's jaw clenched.

Watching Fred talk and act like this made Olympia feel a type of way. Her lips parted slightly. "Two hits?" Draco asked, his voice wavering. "Me hitting you. You hitting the floor." Fred whispered enough for only Draco to hear it. Olympia heard him, however. She could feel herself become attracted to this aggressiveness. "Alright break it up, you two."

Bill Weasley to the rescue. "We have an anxious mother at home who's been overcooking. She has a Christmas buffet set out on the table right now. Need I remind you all, it's June. Let's go! Let's go!" Her eyes were pulled from one Weasley to another. Bill's hand was pressed against the small of her back as he lead her to the flying car that he was permitted to drive.

Word Count: 1,319

Author's Note: Sorry, this is so short. It was mostly an intro!

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