that should be me

Start from the beginning

"Yes Penny I have no idea what I'm doing here, I can't focus on my work, I'm embarrassing myself left and right, and to make matters worse this whole thing is completely one sided!".

Penelope looks at you sadly, she wants more than anything for you and Dr. 187 to get together but the stress of seeing you in this state almost breaks her heart. "Y/N, have you tried talking to him about it, we see the way he acts with you. Always going out of his way to make sure you are safe and happy, he doesn't do that with just anyone..."

You had to give it to her, Penelope always puts on the bravest face for you, that's why you love her so much. "It's not just me Penny, what about JJ... or Emily even, he does the same for them... look I'm just trying to be realistic. Someone like Spencer would never go for someone like me. He IS a genius, and I can barely make it through one day where my mind doesn't get sidetracked."

Penelope had had enough with your self doubt, she knew you were one of the most talented on the team. "Y/N ENOUGH! First of all, JJ and Emily never stay with Spencer and binge watch Doctor Who til' the break of dawn. We all notice the longing stares on the jet between him and you, the maybe a tad too long hugs before you guys leave... it's obvious he's into you. You know Spencer has a thing for germs yet he shook your hand on your first day here. Let that sink in for a second Y/N. Secondly, you are one of the smartest and talented people on this team. Remember last week when you guys were in Dallas, and YOU pieced together the unsub had a partner.. Y/N there would've been so many other victims if it weren't for you, you have no idea how much everyone respects and values your accomplishments on the team, INCLUDING Spencer."

Tears had welled up in your eyes, you never knew how much you needed these words of endearment. Sometimes it can be hard to believe this when you are always in your head about what you could've done better or simple mistakes that could've been avoided, sending you into a downward spiral. "Thanks Pen", you smiled subtly. "I think I'm gonna go to lunch, do you want anything?"

"No Y/N I'm good. Please go talk to Spencer, I have faith that it will really end happily for you" Garcia replied kindly.

"You know what I will, also one more thing..." She turned back in her chair cautiously at what you might say next.


"Um.. if anyone comes in here asking what I was doing, can you say I returned a sweater to you?"

"Oh Y/N" Garcia said, releasing a school girl giggle, "You have SO got it bad".

You laughed out of her office, timid of what the rest of the day had left to offer.


Ok that was odd, I hope Y/N is okay. Was it something I said? Oh God what if Morgan spilled the beans on how I feel about her. She's my best friend, no what Morgan would never do that...well...would he? Just my luck Morgan was in the break room filling up his mug, walking in he gave me the slightest smirk.

"Well pretty boy how is it going with Y/N? Ask her out yet?" he said, taking a sip of his coffee giving him the side eye.

"What!? No.. Morgan you know she doesn't feel the same about me, she's never demonstrated anything that could elude to being more than friends. I know it will never happen." sadly stated, Spencer began filling up the two mugs.

"Oh and you have?" Morgan said chuckling at Spencer's reply, it was obvious that not even the genius had shown any type of actions that would sway Y/N into thinking he wanted to be more than friends. Spencer of course recognizes this but the simple things must account for something right? The subtle cuddles on the couch, constantly getting her refills on coffee, late night hangouts when Y/N was having a crying breakdown. He doesn't just do that for anybody, she has to know this right? Maybe it wasn't too obvious.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2020 ⏰

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