✨Coming Out - Malejandro

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Mattia took a deep breath, looking at Vic and Taylor. He has been off all night, and they wouldn't stop to asking why.
"Fine. I'll tell you guys. But you have to swear you'll never tell anyone."
" I won't!" Taylor rush, Vic quickly parroting her.

You see, to his personal friends but he was out. But online with a different story. He just wasn't ready to have everyone who googled him know. And when people got suspicious, he got a Vic to pretend to be his girlfriend. In actuality the two had more of a brother and sister relationship.
and on top of that, he started fake beef with Alejandro. His actual boyfriend. The rising popularity of Malejandro was not go on noticed, especially when they started pointing out things that actually had to do with their relationship. So convincing everyone that their "friendship" was falling apart was the best option.

"... Alejandro to tell other people."
"Like online?"
"Yeah. I'm not ready. And plus, you know how Alvaro and Roshan's families are. What if they weren't allowed to talk to us anymore?"
"Did you tell him that?"
"Of course! He got all sad... You know how much I hate seeing him sad."
"If you're not ready to come out then he shouldn't force you to, Taylor told him seriously. Taylor was the best to talk to about these things, as she was closeted too.
"Yeah, you shouldn't put yourself at risk. I know you wanna make him happy but you shouldn't sacrifice yourself for that." Vic looked at him with a sincere look in her eyes.

The door to the basement opened and all of them went quiet. The stairs some to lightly, Alejandro standing in the doorway. The tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"Hey Tia? We should talk."
"... O-okay..."
"Vic, Taylor, can you guys leave?"
"It's fine. They already know."
"You told them!?"
"I- I just needed someone to talk to."
"We won't tell anyone," Vic assured gently.
Alejandro sighed deeply, "Fine. It's fine. You guys still gotta go. The personal issue." He shot a look towards Mattia, who shifted awkwardly.

Vic and Taylor got up and each took a turn hugging Mattia firmly. But he watched as they disappeared upstairs, feeling like he wanted to burst into tears. 100 seemed so angry with him. The absolute last thing he wanted was to be left alone with an angry alejandro. Not because Ale would hurt him, no, he was too kind hearted for that. It's just he hated seeing Alejandro upset, and at him was pretty much his worst nightmare.

Ale sat across from Mattia with a heavy breath. "I don't like how our conversation ended earlier."
"I didn't either."
"You don't have to come out for me bub, that was selfish of me."
"It's okay, I get it. It's just, I'm not ready. Imagine how everyone at school would react. And like, Aloe and Roshaun's families aren't exactly accepting.
" I get it, it's fine you don't have to. I'm sorry for getting upset. Just, sometimes I feel like you're ashamed of me."
"I'm not! I love you!"
"I know. I love you too bebe. I'm sorry again."

"It's okay." Mattia got up and went and kissed his forehead. "Do you wanna hang out with me n' Taylor n' Vic?"
"No, it's fine. I'm hanging out with Kai and Ro today. I'll come over tonight and will have a little movie night."
"Alright sweetheart. See you tonight."
"See you. I love you."
"I love you too. Bye."

Alejandro left, calling to Vic and Taylor he was done. wait, Taylor mattia ended up going to the mall with some of their other friends. The whole time Ale's words echoed in his head.
"I feel like you're ashamed of me."
By the time they were finished he had made up his mind.


Alejandro stared at his phone, absolutely dumbfounded. The quick quick statement echoed through his headphones. A simple, "I'm gay, Alejandro and I are dating."

Anxiously he went to the comments.

i knew malejandro was real tbh
▼view replies (265)

kairi punching the air rn
▼view replies (127)

this isn't a joke or mockery. vic was a beard
▼view replies (679)

guys don't fall for it do y'all not remember he was homophobic?
   i'm well aware of my past actions. those were the
   worst mistakes of my life and i'm so happy to be
out of that mindset so i could accept myself.
▼view replies (1258)

He sighed, getting several texts from his friends. some who he wasn't out to questioning him on his sexuality, others who did know asking he's actually dating mattia, and more stuff from the close friends group chat asking for Mattia meant to post that they were both okay.
He finally got out of his car outside Mattias house after being parked by the curb for a solid 30 minutes like a weirdo. He was still entirely shocked that Mattia posted that. Part of him felt bad. Just earlier Mattia wasn't ready. What if he still wasn't and just wanted to Ale's approval? Does that mean he manipulated him??

All those negative thoughts disappeared when Mattia open the door. He was smiling harder than he had ever seen him do before. He was wearing obviously brand new clothes, a skirt (which wasn't something he had done before), knee-high socks (also new), white button up and a video blue sweater vest. He had never worn anything remotely this feminine before.

"Ale!" He dragged him inside, smiling hard. "Look! Since I was planning on making that video I got all his girly shit! Isn't it cute?" He twirled around excitedly, showing how the pleats of the skirt swirled around him. Alejandro gulped upon seeing a glimpse of Mattia's panties.
"Uh— Speaking of that video. You were planning it?"
"Yup! I decided at the mall and made it the second I got home."

Mattia's mood shifted from bubbly to sincere quite quickly. "Bubba. I love you so much. I was ashamed of you. Not because you're you, because you're a man. I was ashamed of myself. I don't wanna be ashamed anymore." He brought his hands up and cupped Alejandro's face, kissing him deeply and passionately.
Ale fell apart, melting entirely into Mattia's arms. he was so relieved. "Mmm, who's home right now?"
"No one. It's just us beb."


Alejandro closed his eyes, his legs entirely numb from the events that just occurred. Mattia tossed the rag aside, gently spooning him. "Is that how you expected out first time to go?"
"Honestly no. I expected a lot more planning and romance n' shit."
He let out a small laugh, "Sorry sweetheart. I'll bust out the rose petals next time."
"Damn right you are. A man like he ain't free!" He laughed too, grabbing his phone.

He went onto his spam, completely disregarding his several dms. Instead he made a new post, a random picture of them kissing, and captioned it "@sotruemattia, you're the best boyfriend i could ever ask for, i hope we can stay together forever." He didn't even wait for the comments to roll in. He knew what they would be.
"So mushy."
"Oh hush. you love it."

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