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Heya, welcome my fellow readers. This is my first enstars oneshot, so please enjoy!


3rd person's POV

It was a normal sunny day for Trickstar and their producer Y/N. The boys practicing their singing and choreography in the practice room as the H/C haired girl monitored the practice. The girl sits in her corner as she takes notes on each of the four boys. You would think she's very organized as she seems, but sadly, she has a memory of a goldfish. Hence the reason why she takes so many notes. The music stops, and the four boys finish up.

"Nice work, guys! You guys have been showing great progress ever since the SS! Why don't I get you guys some snacks and drinks?"

The boys nodded as their producer got up her spot, forgetting an important item.

"What do you guys want?"

Y/N looks at the four sitting on the floor with a questioning look.

"Oh! I want an orange juice N/N!"

"Just water will do for me, Y/N-san."

"Same with Issara, just water for me too."

"I guess I'll have the same thing as Hidaka-kun and Issara-kun."

Y/N nodded her head as she goes off to the vending machine. Though, she kinda forgot where it was. She wandered around the school as she felt like something was missing, meanwhile, back to Trickstar.

"Hmmm, I wonder what's taking N/N so long? Don't tell me she got lost again!?"

Subaru jumped up from his spot as he panicked. Y/N had a memory of a goldfish and usually had one of the members of Trickstar help her. Everyone's eyes widen; they finally realized what was feeling off. Hokuto looks at Y/N's corner to find her notebook to keep track of everything sitting by her bag. He sighs as he picks up the girl's notebook and walks to the door of the practice room.

"You guys stay here. I'll look for her. Akehoshi, I'll give you 10 yen if you behave."

"Yes, sir, Hokke-sama!"

Hokuto takes his leave with the notebook and begins his search for the H/C haired girl. As he wanders around the school to find the petite second year, he sees a familiar figure matching with their producer. He was about to walk up to her until she turns around herself.

"Ah, Hokuto-kun! What are you doing here?"

Hokuto deadpans as he sighs.

"I should be asking you that Y/N-san, you forgot your notebook and probably forgot what we wanted. Not to mention where the vending machine is."

"Gyah! A-ah, Hokuto-kun, I'm not that forgetful ahaha..."

Y/N chuckles awkwardly as she avoids eye contact with the male.

"I hate to say it, Y/N-san, but you are."


"What drinks did we ask you to get?"

That question was the fatal blow to the poor second-year producer.

"Well, you know uh, drinks... that you wanted..."

Y/N's voice got smaller as she continues. Hokuto sighs again as he looks at the flustered girl.

"You don't remember, do you?"

"Not that I don't remember it's just uh, it's just uh..."

"It's just what?"

"It's just that my memory is into power saving mode! Yeah! That's what it is."

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