Hina never went all out with her hygiene. She never liked putting on any type of special perfume, and never used any special smelling shampoo. She did take good care of herself, and ended up smelling like what ever soap she used. Sometimes she would secretly use Mizuki's soap, Hina says it makes her smell like a sakura tree. But to be honest she never felt the need to do much with herself. At the end of a call there's always sweat, dirt, and grime to wash off. Hina washed and dried her face before going to the locker room. Hina opened up her locker and pulled out her outfit. Hina sighed as she put the formal uniform on. Black stalkings, a blue pencil skirt, a white button up, a tie, and a dark blue blazer. Hina clipped her tie to her shirt and picked up her heels and blazer. Before Hina left the room she picked up a letter that was in her locker and put it in a hidden pocket in her blazer. The letter was in was in an envelope and sealed up with a gold wax seal with a koi fish on it. Hina walked to the office and sat at her chair. She put her heels on the floor next to her chair and draped the blazer over the back of her chair. Hina sighed as she took the hair tie from her wrist and went to tie her hair up. Someone placed a cup of coffee on her desk and sat in the desk next to her. "Good morning Obi. Thanks, I was just about to make myself some coffee." Hina said as she picked up the cup.

"No problem." Akitaru said. "You know, it's hard to imagine you wearing that until someone actually sees it." Akitaru commented. "Wearing what? This? Well I suppose. I don't think it's that big of a deal though." Hina sighed. "I think I should get a suit. I don't like wearing heels." Hina said before sipping her scorching hot coffee. "Is that not hot?" Akitaru asked in shock. "I'm a third gen pyroknetic. Scorching hot coffee isn't as hot as the flames we have to deal with." Hina smirked. "Fair enough, but how does that feel going down?" Akitaru asked. Hina leaned back in her chair. "It does feel hot going down." Hina muttered as she looked into the hot coffee. Akitaru chuckled. "It's been so long since I've seen you, I almost couldn't believe it was you when you walked through the door for the first time." Akitaru said. "Likewise. You look a little different, you're definitely bigger. Judging by the workout equipment in your office, you've been working out a lot. It's because you don't have any powers, right?" Hina asked. Akitaru nodded slightly in response. "Well I must say, that's really smart. You need the strength." Hina muttered. Akitaru looked at her slightly damp hair. He picked up a small lock of it. "You aren't gonna do anything with your hair?" Akitaru asked. "No, I don't think it's that big of a deal." Hina replied as she closed her eyes. Akitaru let go of her hair and looked at her calm and collected state. "We should catch up sometime." Akitaru spoke before blowing in his coffee and taking a sip. Before Hina could open her mouth she heard shuffling from behind her. "Move Kazan." Someone whispered loudly. "Shh! You move!" Someone else whispered. "You shush!"Someone said, their voice just came out as a hushed voice. "Both of you shut up before we all get caught!" Another whisper yelled making Hina open her eyes. Akitaru tilted his head in confusion as Hina let out a sigh. Soon everyone ended up falling into the room. "What the hell were all of you doing?" Takehisa asked as he stepped onto the rookies, Maki, and Mizuki. "Answer the question." Takehisa glared as he stepped on Arthur's head. "Everyone was eavesdropping, I was trying to get into the office but Maki grabbed me and told me to be quiet." Mizuki frowned as she sat up.

"Captain Obi did you just ask her on a date? You silly old man! She just got here, you should at least let her settle in the cathedral!" Maki gushed with a small blush over her cheeks. "What? N-No why would I do that?" Akitaru asked with a slight frown. "Hey Mizuki, why did you snitch on us?" Kazan asked as he stood up. "I did it because there was no real reason you should've been eavesdropping." Mizuki replied as she stood up. Takehisa sighed as he sat down in his chair. "Too tired to give out punishments lieutenant?" Hina asked with a sly smirk on her face. Takehisa sighed as he opened up his laptop. "No, I just have to find the quickest route to Company 1." Takehisa replied. Hina sipped on her coffee in amusement. "So, back on that catching up, when I get back I suppose we can talk about a few things." Hina said with a slight smile. Shinra stood up and wiped down his formal uniform. "Good morning Miss Shinmon." Arthur said as he leaned on Hina's desk. "Arthur, what are you doing?" Hina asked. "Well Miss Shinmon, Captain Obi is in my seat so I can't sit down." Arthur smirked. "Oh right, sorry." Akitaru said as he got up with his cup of coffee.

Feel My Flame (Akitaru Ōbi x OC)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant