Khy and I

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My first friend has to be the most interesting and for several reasons. The first being is I don't remember how we met or why we even became friends. As far as my memory goes I know we met in middle school but never really got around to talking until we were both at WST (West Sound Tech) for the summer school program. Now funny enough neither of us can't exactly remember why we started doing this, Khy thinks it has to do with me taking too long at the vending machine there in WST. But what we said to each other almost everyday was "HURRY UP!" and it was our thing for the longest time.

We continued doing that a little bit into our freshman year. I say "a little" because about a month into our freshmen year we were yelling it in class and our teacher told us to stop. Once again my memory is bad and neither of us can remember exactly why she told us to stop, we think she said something about how friends shouldn't yell like that at each other. We pretty much stopped yelling "HURRY UP!" at each other but don't worry we found more stupid things to yell. I guess another interesting thing to add is we both dated the same girl. Not at the same time but still. Anyway she left us both for stupid reasons and every now and then we joke about it.

Now of course we never hung out after school but during school if we were in class together we were usually causing some kind of havoc. For instance during our sophomore year while we were in class we had a substitute teacher who we don't know why but he was really mad at Khy. Eventually Khy got mad at the fact that the teacher wouldn't leave him alone so Khy for some reason slams his hand on the table and yells "I'm autistic!" and of course after that Khy is told to leave. Anyway for my years at high school I was in marching band and Khy was not, at least not for the first 2 years anyway but more on that later. Now of course Khy was the kind of guy who would always talk smack about the band and how we were all a bunch of nerds.

In fact during the first period we were in the same math class for our whole freshmen and sophomore year. The class had a window in which we could see the band every now and then on their marching route for practice. And every time they came by Khy would look at me and say something dumb like "Man what nerds" or "God damn why do these annoying people have to be here" and it got old real fast and would later be ironic. Now as fate would have it Khy ended up joining the band for his junior year. By this time I had told everyone the things that Khy had said but he apologized for it and now we all pretty much just have a good laugh talking about it.

And now with Khy in the band we could continue our chaos. I can't think of anything too crazy that we did our junior other than the time we saw UFOs and the time we went to the Subway on a band trip but there were probably some other things that we can't remember. Our senior year was an interesting one. It could not have started off any better. Khy was originally going to WST for a full year program he was gonna be taking criminal justice while I was in automotive. But that's besides the point on the first day of school we got on the bus and headed to WST when we got there before we could get off this lady stands up and I guess she was some kind of helper lady anyway she stands up and tells everyone on the bus to sit down.

She then says "I am here for your support" and out of nowhere right behind me I hear Khy losing his mind. Just laughing his ass off, and of course I start laughing because I'm like "What's so funny?" so the lady yells at us and we slowly regain control of our sanity and stop laughing. Once we got off the bus Khy said "I have no idea but I just found it funny that she stopped us just to say that" and of course with that we made "I'm here for your support" a common phrase. Anyway Khy and I would graduate together and even get a job at Napa, of course he got the job in Belfair while I got the one in Shelton. Every now and then we would run into each other when I went to the Belfair store for a supply run on Saturdays. He would quit his job first and I would eventually quit mine.

As of right now he is perhaps one of my friends who I still keep in touch with, we send memes, tell jokes you know all the good stuff. Now some quick facts about Khy and I. When getting a job at Napa he thought he was applying for the same store I worked at. As our senior year ended Khy would constantly say how he wished he joined the band a long time ago. Khy also did jazz band for a week but because he didn't like that he had to play the congas and other reasons he quit. Khy and I went after the same three girls.

My Friends And Iजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें