From the other line, Klaus felt his heart ache at the sound of her voice. It was as though someone had suddenly wrapped a hand around his chest in a vice like grip. He was utterly livid that someone dared to put her life on the line."You won't do it," the hybrid weakly said, but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself.

          "No! Stefan, stop it! Stefan!" Rosalie desperately yelled. Tears were freely rolling down her cheeks, this was clear from her cries. She could her heart pounding in her ears from all the adrenaline and her hands were now damp with sweat.

          "Fine. I'll send them away, you win."

          But the car didn't stop or slow down. In fact, it only sped up as they approached the bridge. Rosalie was full-on sobbing right now, believing that her life was about to end. She couldn't try to knock Stefan out, it would be too dangerous. "Stop! Stefan!" she tried to convince himㅡhe didn't even move.

          "Stop the car, Stefan!" Klaus growled.

          They came to a skidding halt when Stefan finally pressed the brakes, making Rosalie jolt forward. Although she managed to hold herself back by gripping the seats, she couldn't suppress the scream that slipped from her lips.

          Fury would be a weak word to describe how Klaus felt at the moment. The fuming hybrid crushed the phone in his hand, silently cursing Stefan Salvatore to the pits of hell. It looked as though smoke was billowing from his ears to anyone who was watching him. He knew that if he stayed at the party any longer, he would probably slaughter the lot of them; so he rushed outside the door.

          Meanwhile, Rosalie was breathing heavily in relief. She felt dizzy from all the adrenaline coursing through her veins, licking at the walls of her heart. With shaking fingers, the brunette grabbed the handle of the door, desperate to put as much distance as she can between her and the psychopath Stefan.

          Stefan was suddenly in front of the girl when she stepped out of the car, startling her. He just doesn't want to stop, does he? He grabbed the sides of her arms, surprisingly gentle, "Rosㅡ"

          A snap resounded throughout the forest as Rosalie punched him square on the jaw. The brunette yelped loudly, she didn't expect punching someone to hurt this much. It backfired, however, when she felt her an exploding pain in her right hand. Shrugging it off, she decided that it was worth it.

          Without acknowledging what happened to the man she had just punched, the brunette stormed off, cradling her hand in the chest.


·° 。: ✰ : ·° 。

          "Hey," a voice called out from the car beside her. "Need a ride?"

          Rosalie had been following the road for about five minutes, she was shaking from the cold breeze of the night. The brunette dramatically sighed, thinking that she was going to die, again, due to hypothermia this time around.

          She glanced sideways and saw her Aunt smiling at her, kindly. Rosalie immediately returned the gesture before hopping in the warm car. The ride home was gratefully silent, because the brunette couldn't find it in herself to talk and Sheriff Forbes fortunately saw this.

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