Chapter 2

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I gasp as I wake up and bring my hands to my neck to find it covered in bandages. How am I alive? “Good, you’re awake,” a slightly familiar voice says. I open my eyes to see the man in the green cloak sitting at a small fire in front of the blankets I lay on. I blink as my eyes adjust to the dim light and see we are in some sort of cave. “Where am I?” I try to ask but instead I start coughing. My throat feels like it is on fire as the bile rises up. I sit up and puke  over the stone floor of the cave, luckily missing the blankets. My face goes red with embarrassment at puking. “I forgot to mention you should take it easy with talking. You nearly died,” He says as he gets a rag and cleans up the puke, throwing the rag into a pot of water. He hands me a flask and I swallow its contents, which turns out to be the sweetest water I have ever had. “Why?” I ask him. “It helps to soothe the throat,” He explains.
“No, why did you save me? You are the reason I got caught in the first place.”
“I need to go get more firewood, don’t go anywhere,” He says, ignoring my question completely. He grabs his cloak from the ground and walks out of the cave. The cold air of the cave bites against me as I get up to go sit next to the fire. I wrap my cloak tighter around myself as I wait for green cloak to come back.

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A few minutes later he comes back, a bundle of sticks in his arms. He places them in the dying fire and stirs them around until the catch alight. “What’s your name?” I ask him, as it seems strange to call him green cloak. “You may call me Alan,” He says. “My name is Gwen.” He grunts in acknowledgement and passes me a bowl of some sort of stew. “What is it?” I ask, sniffing the bowl. “Rabbit stew,” he replies. I take a cautionary bite of it to find it bland with no spices whatsoever. My stomach grumbles with hunger so I finish all the stew and put down the bowl. “You should rest. We leave tomorrow at dawn,” Alan says. “Tomorrow? Why are we leaving?” I ask, not sure why we are leaving when we just got here. “It is no longer safe here. We leave for the Armythian valley at dawn.” “But…” I start to disagree. “No buts, we leave at dawn,”He says in a tone that says no disagreeing. I huff as I lie back down onto my thin blanket. Within minutes I am asleep.

(500 words)
Sorry this chapter is so short. Can't be bothered to say anything else.
Byeee. ;)

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