Pretty brown Eyes

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Once Hope and MG get to the Cafeteria, they grab their trays and MG goes to their usual table. Hope picks an empty table a few tables away and quickly does the spell. A minute later Josie and Lizzie walk into the cafeteria.

"Hey MG, where's Hope? She's usually here by now." Josie says

Lizzie just waves and sits down.

"Oh she told me to tell you that she's eating in her room tonight."

"Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's just in one of her moods and wants to be alone."

"Okay, that makes sense."

"So, what'd you girls do today?"

"We had a sisters day. We spent the morning talking and watching movies."

"Yeah, it was fun, and we needed some sisterly bonding." Lizzie says

Josie goes to say something but her phone goes off. MG smiles knowing exactly who it is.

Text messages

Hope🐺: hey Jo

Jo🐶: hi Hope are you okay? MG said you were in a mood

Hope 🐺: yeah I'm fine, just needed some me time away from people

Jo🐶: so why are you texting me then?

Hope🐺: because I wanted to and you're not most people.

Jo🐶: always with the charm

Hope 🐺: it comes with being a Mikaelson. Hey can I tell you a story?

Jo 🐶: Sure?!?

Hope🐺: okay so this girl she came round the corner, looking like a model.

Jo 🐶: really? Did this happen today?

Hope 🐺: I'll get to that, anyways as I was saying. Magazine figure she was shaped like a bottle. Long straight hair she was fly as a bird.

Jo 🐶: sounds like she peaked your interest.

Hope 🐺: first time ever I was lost for words.

Jo🐶 the Hope Mikaelson at a lost for words, wow.

On the inside Josie is screaming because she's jealous of whoever has Hope's attention like this but she wants to be a good friend so she ignores it.

Hope 🐺: Felt so right, couldn't be wrong. Love at first sight if that exist at all.

Jo🐶: I'd like to think it does.

Hope🐺: I couldn't move felt like I was stuck and then babygirl looked up.

Jo🐶: we'll go on, what happened next?

Hope🐺: I said hey there pretty brown eyes, whatcha doin' later tonight? Would you mind if I spend time with you?

At that moment Josie knew this sounded familiar. It was a damn Cody Simpson song. Meanwhile MG and Lizzie started their own conversation because Josie was preoccupied on her phone.

Jo🐶: Cody Simpson, really Hope?

Hope🐺: took you long enough, but I still never got my answer.

Jo🐶: what are you talking about?

Hope🐺: I'll admit, I used the lyrics to mess with you but I picked that song for a reason and I wasn't completely joking around. I did meet this girl and it was love at first sight.

Jo🐶: what does this have to do with me?

Hope: God you can be so oblivious sometimes. Pretty brown eyes, bottle like shape, could be a model. Does that sound like anyone you know?

Jo🐶: wait, you're not, you can't be, you mean me?

Hope🐺: yes you dork, I was talking about you. So pretty brown eyes, what do you say? Would you mind if I spend time with you, say tonight?

Josie looks up from her phone and back down at it just to make sure she's not seeing things. Hope fucking Mikaelson just asked her out. At the realization she starts to blush profusely.

Hope🐺: I can see you blushing, can I take that as a yes?

Jo🐶: you're in your room, how could you possibly see me?

Hope🐺: look up

End of text messages

Josie looks up and sees Hope sitting a few tables in front of her. As they lock eyes Hope stands and makes her way to her friends.

"Where you there the whole time?"

"Mhm yep" Hope says popping the 'p'

"Why not just sit with us?"

"Well because that would've ruined my plan. I'm still waiting for an answer by the way. Oh and thanks MG, the look on Josie's face was priceless."

"No problem"

"Wait you were in on this" Josie asks

MG just shakes his head.

"So..." Hope says looking at Josie


"Yes what?" Hope wants to hear her say it

"Yes I'll go out with you, you nerd"

At that Hope pulls Josie up and wraps her arms around her.

"Hey, rude"

"Oh shut it, you know you love me"

"Unfortunately you're right"

"I'm still mad at you for pranking me like that"

"Then I'll just have to make it up to you tonight"

"Can't wait" Josie says as she leans in, Hope meeting her half way.

"What the fuck. Am I missing something?" Lizzie whisper yells.

"I'll fill you in later" MG says

"I love your ocean eyes"

"And I love your brown eyes"

Hope and Josie just stood there, Hope getting lost in the chocolate puddles of Josie's eyes and Josie feeling like she could drown in Hope's ocean blue eyes.

They say the eyes are the windows to a persons soul and right now they're saying all the things Hope and Josie are afraid to say but feel in their souls. And it's all hidden behind those pretty eyes.

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