Chapter 15: Konoha Crush! - The Final Rounds

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Our attention was switched to the proctor.

Genma: One more thing,

He then showed a piece of paper showing the tournament brackets.

Genma: There's been a slight change in the match ups, so everyone take one last look on who you'll be facing.

Naruto: Question!

Genma: What is it?

Naruto: I was wondering what's gonna happen to Sasuke-- I mean what'll happen if he doesn't show up?

Genma: If a candidate doesn't show up when his name is called, he forfeits the match.

" something is definitely happening, Sasuke would never miss this type of event."

Genma: All right, the rules are the same as last time, there are no rules. The match continues until one or both candidates drop.

I cracked my knuckles, this is gonna be entertaining. I've never had that "love" of blood Hidan had, but was I excited for this one.

Genma: I can also stop the match if I think it's over, no arguments permitted, understood?

Genma: The opponents for the first match are Naruto Uzumaki, and Neji Hyuga. Those two can stay, the rest will go to the waiting area.

Y/n: Looks like you're up buddy, beat him up.

We all moved to the waiting area preparing for the match. I'm confident Naruto will win.

Genma: Let the first match, begin!

The arena was silent, neither opponent made a move, yet Neji's Byakugan was activated, both were planning something.

The silence was stopped by Naruto throwing a dozen Shuriken that Neji promptly deflected. The two engaged in Taijutsu, Neji easily controlling the fight.

Y/n: Naruto! He knows your Chakra points, he can see it with his eyes! Don't do a frontal attack!

It seems this reinvigorated Naruto as he managed to get a hit on Neji before using his Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Using the Shadow Clones, Naruto attacked Neji from all directions. Slowly though each one of the clones started dying, until the Real Naruto was the last left.

Naruto: Multi-Shadow Clone jutsu!!

One by one each of the clones lost against Neji in Taijutsu, only the real Naruto was left. He has to resort to a different attack or he'll never be able to defea-

The "real Naruto" disappeared and revealed itself to be a Shadow Clone! The actual Naruto appeared behind Neji, but Neji still somehow blocked him!

Once again Naruto tried to use Shadow Clones but the result was the same, although there was a slight change. Neji was going for the kill.

Again and again Naruto kept losing, especially in Taijutsu, it seems Neji is too powerful.

Out of nowhere an astonishing surge of Chakra appeared from Naruto! The exact same chakra he had used when he defeated Haku! Even Neji was surprised by this.

Now Naruto was able to contend against Neji, even win in some engagements!

The fight stopped once a huge plume of smoke surged from the arena, Neji standing and Naruto was.... Inside a hole in the ground?

Out of nowhere the incapacitated Naruto dissipated, revealing itself to be a Shadow clone, whilst the real naruto appeared out of nowhere! Hitting Neji in the face and knocking him out.

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