We all soon found ourselves buried in books as we searched for anything that would allow Harry to breath underwater for an hour. After searching through several books, Harry asked McGonagall for a note to get into the restricted section. She said no. He even asked the easily infuriated Madam Pince, for help.

I could tell Harry was starting to panic as the the day of the task drew closer. When we only had two days left, we started skipping meals again. The only good thing that had happened lately was Dads reply to the letter. It was only a line long, telling us to send the date of the next Hogwarts visit. Hagrid had continued teaching about unicorns and he had captured two unicorns fools that were pure gold. They were so magnificent that I was smiling throughout the lesson.

By the evening before the second task, Harry looked as if was going to pass out. We stayed in the library intill the sun had set.
"I don't reckon it can be done. There's nothing. Nothing. Closest was that thing to dry up puddle and ponds, that Drought Charm, but that was nowhere near powerful enough to drain the lake." Ron said flatly.
"Not to mention it would kill most of the creatures in the lake." I added.
"There must be something. They'd never set a task that was undoable." Hermione insisted.
"They have. Harry, just go down to the lake tomorrow, right, stick your head in, yell at the Merpeople to give back whatever they nicked and see if they chuck it out. Best you can do, mate." Ron said.

I couldn't help but laugh when I imagined Harry doing that.
"There's a way of doing it! There has to be!" Hermione said crossley.

She was taking the Library's lack of useful information as an insult, it has never failed her before.
"I should of become an Animagus like Ro." Harry said.
"Then you could turn into a goldfish." Ron laughed.
"Or a frog." Harry yawned. 
"You don't get to choose your form just like how you don't choose the form your patronus takes. I reckon you'd turn into a stag. So being an Animagus wouldn't help you much." I said, softly.
"That rubbish. What if you get flobbleworm or something like that?" Ron said as if this was the biggest injustice in the world.
"Oh, this is no use. Who on earth wants to make their nose hair grow into ringlets?" Hermione said, snapping Weird Wizarding Dilemmas shut.
"I wouldn't mind." George said.
"Be a talking point, wouldn't it?" Fred said.
"What are you doing here?" Ron asked.
"Yeah, Jay, Jake have either of you actually ever set foot in the library?" I said when I spotted my twin brothers.
"Looking for you. McGonagall wants to see Ro and Hermione." Jason said.
"Why?" Hermione said, looking surprised.
"Dunno . . . she was looking a bit grim, though. Were supposed to take you down to her office." Jacob said.

Hermione and I shared a panicked look. Had she noticed how much we'd been helping Harry?
"We'll meet you in the common room, OK? Take as many books as you can." I said and I kissed Harry's cheek and left with Fred, George, Jason and Jacob.

When Hermione and I got to McGonagall office Cho Chang and Fleurs little sister were already there along with the judges.
"Ah thank you Mr Weasleys and Mr Blacks. You may go." McGonagall said, grimly.
"I'm sure you're all wondering what your doing here. Well you see our champions have to retrieve something from the lake. They will be retrieving you. Miss Delacour, you are what your sister will solely miss. Miss Chang, you are what Mr Diggory will solely miss. Miss Granger you are what Mr Krum will solely miss. And Miss Black you are what Mr Potter will solely miss." Mr Bagman said cheerfully.

Hermione and I gave each other terrified looks.
"I don't want any of you to worry. I will put you into an enchanted sleep and you will be held by the Merpeople. If the your champion fails to retrieve you then the Merpeople will bring you safely back to shore. You have my word that no harm shall before you." Dumbledore said, sincerely.

Rosabella Black | Daughter of Sirius Black | (Book 4)Where stories live. Discover now