chapter 1

104 0 3

The Seirin won against rakuzan in winter cup

In the locker room of seirin
Third peeson pov
"Shouldn't we kick out kuroko now were stronger now" kagami said

"What are you thinking kagami why would we kick out kuroko he help us win the match"riko said to kagami hesistantly but inside her she also feels the same

"Yea coach kagami is right kuroko is kinda weak you know" hyuga said

"Hes kind of useless you know" fuuta said

"Yea"kogane said

"Yes there right coach we know you think kuroko that way too"teppei said

"I - i" riko stuttered

"He's weak"kagami said

"We should kick him off the team" hyuga said agreeing with what kagami said earlier

And everybody nodding in agreement in what their captain said

"Alright I'll talk to him tomorrow about it" riko said

Little did they know a certain tealnette is listening to their conversation

Kuroko's POV
After the match against rakuzan I received a phone call

"Hello" kuroko said in the phone

"Kuroko" a scream from the phone said"

"Oh hey how are u guys  why did u call by the way"

"We got news for you........."

"Oh really but...."

"Ok alright well wait for you"



After that phone call i said to them l'm leaving early I left the gym as i walk out to the gym i was going to the train station  i realized that i left my water bottle there and I thought whether to just pick up tomorrow or not i decided to pick it now which was a bad Idea.

As i walk back to the gym i heard them talking he's weak he's useless we should kick him off the team was what i heard i didn't notice that a tear left my eye down to my cheek i was crying I get my water bottle from the gym and leave since my presence is low they didnt notice me i just left i headed home after that its feels so quiet.

I started to breakdown i cry and cry

'Im i really that useless and weak for them to get abandoned again' kuroko thought

I cried that night wishing its just a nightmare

I cried until i fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2021 ⏰

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