Chapter 28 - What friends are for

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"Baby, you know you love me, why are you doing this?" Luke hissed at Alison. Hearing him talk to her completely froze her up. "Stop pretending, I haven't treated you well," he continued, his voice was calm when he addressed her but the edge was undeniable. He was getting angrier by the second and we needed to get a move on if we didn't want to end up with cops all around the house.

I gave a meaningful look to Kyle hoping he would shut him up, be he wasn't fast enough to muffle his next sentence. "I put a roof over your head and food on your table you ungrateful bi-" The last word of his sentence didn't make it past the towel Kyle stuffed into his mouth, but he didn't have to, the message had been clear.

"I'm sorry," Al, answered weakly. Her hands were shaking as she grabbed the last frame in the living room.

"You have nothing to be sorry for," I defended loud enough for Luke to hear. He visibly scoffed. Son of bitch was still trying to belittle her. Both Marketa and I gently pushed her towards the bedroom so she could grab the last of her things.

"What a piece of shit," Marketa voiced once we were safely in a different room as Luke. I wanted to agree with her, but at the same time, I wasn't sure if Al was ready to hear all this in the frail state of mind that she was.

About five minutes later, we had amassed all of our friend's belongings and were packing them into the car. Luke continued cursing from a distance. I found it difficult to understand why Alisson wouldn't press any charges against the man that had physically and mentally abused her for months. It was difficult, but I knew I had to respect her choice. This was her story, her life. It wasn't my place to force this decision on her.

Once we were back in my building, Kyle had offered for Samuel to stay at his while the girls bunked at mine.

As I followed behind the Marketa to enter my apartment, I was pulled back and immediately collided with a hard chest.

The addictive smell of his aftershave surrounded me and I didn't hesitate to wrap my arms around him. No words were exchanged but the way we held on and breathed each other in was more significant than any word that would have left our mouth.

After a brief moment, we separate looking at each other. I could tell he was relieved we were all okay and more than that I could see how much he cared. I hoped my eyes conveyed the same message he was. I was one lucky person to have him in my life.

"What are you up for?" I gently asked once I was back in my apartment. The girls were sat on the couch talking. Al looked up, the sight before me broke my heart. The woman in front of me wasn't the strong and confident woman I had met on the first day of tryouts. The one that'd walked up to me and confidently offered me a job. I had no doubt she was still in there somewhere, but I could also tell that it would take a lot of work and rebuilding for her to get back to where she was emotionally.

I cursed internally. In this instant, I wished for the worst things to happen to Luke. I couldn't understand why some people needed to degrade and tear down others just to feel stronger and more powerful. This level of selfishness and disregard was beyond me. Call me naïve but I wished for this kind of evil to leave and never return.

"A movie maybe?" Al answered, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Absolutely!" I answered hoping to sound brighter than I currently felt. I brought all the junk food, ice cream and juices I could find in my kitchen before letting Alisson choose the movie she wanted to watch.

She ended up choosing Alita, but uncertainty and doubt were clear in her eyes as if she was ready to change at any sign of disapproval.

"Awesome!" Marketa agreed and relief washed over the redhead.

We started the movie and wrapped each other in blankets, Marketa was seated beside me while Alisson was curved in a ball, resting her head on her best friend's lap. I gently stroked the hair on her head like my mom used to do to me when I was having a bad day.

We watched in silence, enjoying the fact that all of us were here together.

"Thank you for coming with me," Al whispered as we continued to lay on the couch covered in soft blankets.

"What are friends for?" I questioned rhetorically, as we all looked at each other. The unspoken words were a bond that we would keep with us for a long time to come. We would always be there for each other, regardless of what issues or disagreements we might have.


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The FULL BOOK is already available on my Patreon: (the link is in my profile)!!

Question of the week:
- Ice cream or sorbet?

I can't wait to get the next chapter out for all of you <3

xoxo Cloclovilla

The Love We Deny ✔️ [COMPLETED]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt