Another Announcement (6/8/2019)

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Date: 6/8/2019

I just want to inform all of my readers of the way that I write and post my stories. I don't post chapters everyday or week, no! What I prefer to do is write the entire book before posting it. I do this because I really don't like leaving my readers on edge and I don't think it's fair for you the reader to have to wait for a chapter or another book to be written and then posted. Now I know other readers on Wattpad write chapter by chapter and I'm not judging them whatsoever. Every writer has his or her way of writing but this is the way I prefer to write. I like to complete my work before posting it and it also helps give me enough time to make sure all of my grammar, spelling and punctuation is correct. So I hope you all understand and thank you for reading my content and for following me.

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