Close Calls

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Miles could feel his arms aching as he turned back towards home. It was the last time he was going to be able to go out in his suit until Christmas - his parents were still totally in the dark about the whole thing. He might be able to get a few hours in when they went shopping, or if they decided to go out with friends, but it was best if he just assumed there wouldn't be any more patrols. It's what had inspired him to go so long tonight - the first glimmers of pink were just starting to peek over the edge of the city, the only warning before the explosion of dawn.

His dorm wasn't far from here, but he'd probably just make it before the first rush of traffic.

He'd make it before Ganke got up, though, and that's what mattered.

Ganke knew he was Spiderman, of course, but he was a bit of a mother hen, and if he knew Miles had been out this long, he'd freak. Between long patrols and the occasional stitching up of wounds, Ganke had become Miles' personal doctor. They had watched a lot of medical videos online together.

"Come on," Miles urged himself. He was clearly exhausted, if the lack of flips and impressive dance moves was anything to go by. "Just a few more-"

As the dorms came into view, Miles became very aware of his light being on. His light was on. 

Goddamn it, Ganke.

Miles paused for a second, then swung back around the back of the dorms and pulled open a window. It was an office - Miles spotted a picture on the desk - it was the science teacher's office. He slipped off his mask, but left his suit on, just pulling a sweatshirt over his body.

The halls were quiet and dark, but thankfully deserted. No one had classes until 7, so there was time before people started running to the showers and heading for classes.

Miles slipped through the door of the dorms, his face turned back and over his shoulder. "Hey, man, before you say anything, I just had-"

"Hey, Miles."

That was absolutely not Ganke. Miles whipped around. "Dad? What are you doing here? It's, like, 5 in the morning!"

"I wanted to pick up your bags before I went to work so you had less to carry. Where were you? You know its against the rules to go out at night. Did you sneak out?"

Ganke was sitting at his desk, yawning every not and then, and looking between Miles and his dad with a look of pure confusion and panic. He finally got it, though, and glanced down at Miles' legs. Sure as hell, there was the spidersuit.

"-what are you wearing?"

"They're his pajamas," Ganke said quickly. "He's a total Spiderman nerd."

Jeff looked back over his shoulder at Miles' roommate. "Pajamas?"

"Yeah, I got them at the comic store down the street, the one that sells all the cool Spiderman stuff. They just started selling the new suit stuff." Miles fiddled with the hem of his sweatshirt, hoping to God his dad took the bait.

"Why were out out at 5 in the morning in your pajamas?"

"I wanted to get a shower. Before the other students got up."

The three looked between each other before Ganke yawned loudly and stretched. Jeff seemed to take the hint and clapped his hands together.

"Well, then. You got bags?" he asked, looking over at Miles. Miles pointed over to his bed, where he had packed his bags the night before. Jeff just grabbed the luggage and pulled it off the bag. There was the tell-tale clatter of spray paint cans in Miles' backpack, and Jeff raised an eyebrow.

"Really, Miles? You know I don't like it when-"

Miles let his shoulders slump and sighed hard. Miles' dad was like this - even though he himself had thrown up art when he was a teen, he refused to let Miles be. Jeff pursed his lips, then-

"We'll find a wall for a mural. Maybe the landlord wouldn't mind us doing something on the back wall."

Miles smiled at his dad. "That- uh, that would be cool, man."

Jeff took the bags and said his hurried goodbye, and Miles shut the door behind him as he left. Once Miles and Ganke were alone again, Miles collapsed backwards onto his bed, throwing a web for his water bottle on his bedside table and pulling it into his hands. He took a long drag of it, then flung it back against his mattress.

"You were out all night." It wasn't a question, just a casual statement.

Miles sat up just enough to see Ganke. "Yeah. When'd my dad show up?"

"4:45. He had work at 5:30."

Miles laid back on his bed. "Of course. The one time he decides to do something nice and I'm out patrolling. Great."

"He woke me up, dude, I didn't know where you were- I mean, I knew where you were, but like, I didn't know what to say."

Miles waved his hand a little. "It's fine. What's he going to say? That I wasn't showering?"

Ganke gave a half-hearted chuckle. "You're not going patrolling on break?"

"Wasn't planning on it." Miles rolled over and tucked himself under the blankets, not even bothering to strip off his suit. "Wake me up in an hour, man, I'm beat."

Ganke didn't even both responding besides thudding his head hard against his desk.

Shattered LivesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora