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lmaoo Japanese school schedule cause some things didn't add up hdhfjs

     I lazily flipped the page of my book and started to slowly scan the page. It was a slow summer day at the shop I worked at, there had only been a few customers headed for the Nether, stocking up on fire resistance potions and golden boots. The book I was reading was "A Classical Study on The Anatomy of Hostile/Neutral Mobs." It was so incredibly boring. I needed to read it, though. My grades were already slipping in the class I was taking on these fantastical creatures. 

     I realized I wasn't paying attention to the text and tried to refocus. That, of course, was interrupted by a looming shadow in front of the counter I was sat at. I looked up and quickly sucked in a nervous breath of air. Oh, boy, he was tall. His face was interesting, too. Split down the middle-ish, one side was pitch black, just like an Enderman. Whan an odd coincidence, I was just reading about them. 

     "Um... where are your fire res potions?" He asked me. For someone of his size, he certainly seemed nervous about asking for a potion. 

     I tried to pretend as if I wasn't intimidated and pointed towards a certain aisle, "They're in the Nether Needs aisle." 

     He started to turn but before he had a chance to leave, I said, "Wait a second. Can I... ask? About your face, that is?" The words felt sour on my tongue and I cringed to myself at asking the question. 

     He sighed like he had heard this question one too many times and fully faced the counter again. "I'm half-enderman. On my mom's side." 

     I immediately thought of how I could use this to help my grades. My teacher did say that we could study a hostile mob for our final project. That was for after summer break, though. I bit my lip and looked back up at his eyes. They were an interesting Christmas colored heterochromia. "Could I mayhaps get your assistance in something?" 

      It seemed like it took a moment for him to load what I had said, but then he queried "What is it?" 

     I tented my hands nervously on the counter, "Would you let me study you?" The white portion of his face turned pink after I asked the question.


     I shrugged, "Dunno. Maybe because I'd get extra credit." 

     "Ex- I-" He seemed to take a moment to think about my offer. "What's there to study on me?" 

     I smiled, "I get off my shift in twenty, I'll tell you then." 

     "I'm supposed to go to the Nether in twenty." 

     I rolled my eyes. Handsome at first, annoying second it seemed. "Sucks, doesn't it?" 

     This probably wasn't the best way to go about this, yet I seemed to be doing it anyway. I tore off a yellow sticky note from the pad near me and wrote my number down. "When you get back from the Nether, give me a call." 

     He swallowed nervously and took the note from my hand, our fingers just barely brushing, "O-Okay." 

     I noticed he didn't like to make eye-contact. To each their own, I supposed. 

     Taking the sticky note, he went to go find that fire res potion, presumably. 

     I went back to my book and waited for him to come up to the counter to pay for the potion and whatever else he might find while browsing. 

     He soon came back with three fire resistance potions, and I don't know if I was expecting more but there wasn't. "Let's see, that'll be... 45.99." 

     "Isn't that a bit overpriced?" He asked as I watched him pull a wallet out of his back pocket. This was the first time I had really happened to look at what he was wearing; it was a suit. 

     I rolled my eyes, "Labor costs and everything. My dad makes them when he gets back from missssss..." I wasn't supposed to say anything about my dad. Ever. To anybody. That was one of his two rules for when I was running the shop, the other one being no getting overly violent at customers.

     He tilted his head in curiosity, "Mish...? Are you going to continue that sentence or am I supposed to guess what mish means?" 

     "It's none of your business, Mr. Enderman. Which by the way, I haven't even gotten your name yet, which is totally unpractical, now that I'm thi-" 

     "It's Ranboo," He shyly locked eyes with me and a small smile crossed his face. The eye contact gave me a slight shiver of being uncomfortable, but I shook it off as just me being weird. 

     I sighed slightly, "My name's Scarlett." 

     He gave me five ten-dollar bills, "It's nice to meet you, Scarlett." 

     It kind of felt like he was switching up his attitude on me, but maybe he just wanted to go to the Nether without leaving a bad impression on me. 

     I gave him his change and said, "It's nice to meet you, too. I look forward to working with you," I said the second sentence with a playful wink, because why not? 

     He turned semi-pink once more, broke the eye-contact, and mumbled, "You too." He took his potions and it took everything I had not to giggle at him walking away. 

     I was then standing up, so I sunk back onto my stool behind the counter and reopened the most recent folded page of my book. That was soon interrupted by Ranboo. Again? He had rushed into the store rather quickly and sort of breathlessly, like he had run. 

     "Do you know which way the Nether portal is? I forgot," He said with a heaving breath at the end. 

     How could he forget? Everyone knows where it is. I sighed and got up from my stool and walked towards the entrance of the shop. I pointed left, "It's that way. You can't miss it, it has all the Magma blocks and shit around it." 

     He nodded his thanks and then rushed out again. What could possibly be in the Nether that he needed to get to so quickly? Oh well, it wasn't my problem. And even if it was, I doubted I would care enough. 

hiraeth | ranboo x oc ✓Where stories live. Discover now