did you spend your whole entire second year of high school practicing your serves for it to be better than his? yes, yes you did.

and you were glad, because he was definitely irritated by that.

"shut the fuck up. you mess up your serves all the time." you rolled your eyes, "and get off me. you stink."

semi's jaw dropped, "you stink even more. ugly ass. why do you sweat so much?" he held up your arm, "your armpit stinks! do you even use deodorant? ew."

you brought your arm down and slapped him on the shoulder, "of course i do! i sweat more because i actually play more than you."

"y/n-san, semi-san, we're gonna start." the young first year, goshiki, interrupted your bickering, "stop arguing for once."

"he started it!"

"no you did."

"no you."



"if you don't shut up now, i'll bang your heads together." tendou said out of the blue, earning laughs from the other 3, except you and semi.

you were up against another jumbled up team. you were up first to serve for the current rotation. being the bad bitch server that you are, they all know you were about to bag that service ace.

"go back, back. she's a strong server!" one of the boys player, taichi, yelled, urging the other players to move a little bit back.

though you were flattered, you didn't hesitate to bag that service ace anyway. an untouched one.

you smirked, your teeth showing a bit, "ayo...!"

"go off miss girl!" your bestfriend, dorm-mate, also the setter of the girls' team, emiko high-fived you. "do it again!" she complimented you before going back to her position spot.

"tch, that was just lucky." a way too familiar voice insulted you, "i could do that with my eyes closed." semi crossed his arms.

your eyes trailed dangerously on his figure. "...what did you say?"

"i said," he stepped closer to you, tilting his head down and smirked at you, "i could do that. with my eyes closed."

"oh really now eita? well-"

you were about to explode before emiko put two hands on your shoulders, laughing embarrassingly and glaring at you afterwards. "you and semi-san never know how to shut up huh? just go do your next serve. jeez." she rolled her eyes.

you sighed with exasperation, choosing to ignore semi. he started giggling in the background. oh how you wanted to pull him by the hair and sHoW hIm WhO'S bOsS!

"y/n. serve!" emiko whispered over to you, making you widen your eyes.

taichi shouted again, "back again!"

"you don't have to move back you know! she sucks!" a voice from in front of you yelled at the opposite team.

"fuck off semi." you did your usual jump serve but it had a nastier spin than usual. it was because your irritation with semi. nonetheless—

ruin our friendship . semi eita! ✓Where stories live. Discover now