Rita Skeeter's Scoop

Start from the beginning

Ron looked shocked and slightly ashamed. Harry grabbed my hand and held it tightly.
"Sorry, Ro. You're right. I'm sorry, really." Ron said, sincerely.

I smiled half heartedly.
"It's fine." I assured him.

The trio and I spent the second week of the Christmas holiday completing our mountain load of homework.

On the first day of the new term Harry and I walked hand in hand towards Hagrid's hut for our Care of Magical Creatures lesson, accompanied by Ron, Hermione and Winter. However, we got an unpleasant shock when we arrived. Instead of Hagrid there was a grey haired witch standing by his door.
"Hurry up, now, the bell rang five minutes ago." She barked at us.
"Who're you?" I asked, perplexed.
"Where's Hagrid?" Ron said, staring at her.
"My name is Professor Grubbly - Plank. I am your temporary Care of Magical Creatures teacher." She said briskly.
"Where's Hagrid?" Harry repeated loudly.
"He is indisposed." Professor Grubbly - Plank said shortly.

Soft and unpleasant laughter touched my ears and I turned along with Harry to see the Slytherins come to join us. They all looked rather gleeful and none of them seemed surprised to see Professor Grubbly-Plank.
"This way, please." Professor Grubbly - Plank said and led us towards a paddock not fat from the Beauxbatons carriage.

Harry let go of my hand and rushed to catch up with Professor Grubbly-Plank. From what it looked like Harry was having a disagreement with her. Probably demanding to know what's wrong with Hagrid.

Professor Grubbly - Plank led us to a unicorn. Many of the girls 'ooooohed' at the sight.
"Oh, it's so beautiful!" Lavender Brown whispered.
"How did she get it?" I whispered to Hermione.
"Aren't they supposed to be really hard to catch?" Hermione whispered back.
"Boys keep back!" Professor Grubbly - Plank barked, throwing out an arm and catching Harry in the chest. 
"They prefer a woman's touch, unicorns. Girls to the front and approach with care. Come on, easy does it . . ." Professor Grubbly - Plank said.

All the girls went slowly forward, I stayed back to talk to Harry.
"What d'you reckon's wrong with him? You don't think a Skrewt –?" I asked Harry and Ron the moment Grubbly - Plank was out of earshot.
"Oh, he hasn't been attacked, Black, if that's what your thinking. No, he's just too ashamed to show his big ugly face." Malfoy said softly.
"What d'you mean?" Harry said sharply, as me and the boys of Gryffindor house turned to glare at Malfoy.

Malfoy just grinned triumphantly and handed Harry a copy of the Daily Prophet.
It was worst then I could of imagined. It tounted Hagrid for being a half giant and Rita had put in a lot of prejudice in the article. It was basically saying that Dumbledore's a fool to hire a half giant and Hagrid is an idiot half giant. The article was complete rubbish.
"How did she find out?" Ron whispered.
"What d'you mean, 'we all hate Hagrid'?" Harry spat at Malfoy.
"What's this rubbish about him" – I pointed at Crabbe – 'getting a bad bite off a Flobberworm'? They haven't even got teeth!" I yelled.

Crabbe sniggered, apparently pleased with himself.       
"Well, I think this should put an end to the oaf's teaching career. Half-giant . . . and there was me thinking he'd just swallowed a bottle of Skele - Gro when he was young . . . none of the mummies and daddies are going to like this at all . . . they'll be worried he'll eat their kids, ha ha . . ." Malfoy sneered and laughed.

I balled up my fists in anger and glared daggers at Malfoy. If only looks could kill.
"You —" Harry started to say but got cut off.
"Are you paying attention over there?" Professor Grubbly - Plank said.

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