Part 2 - The mission

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Third person:

Tony walked through Stark Tower towards the briefing room where he found the other Avengers waiting for him: Black Widow, Thor, Captain America, Hawkeye, Hulk (well Banner) and Falcon. They all gave him dirty looks as he was over an hour late to the meeting. Looking annoyingly smug, Tony finally began the meeting.

"Right. Now that we're all here, lets get down to business. Our - "

"We've been here for an hour Stark, this  better be important," Natasha cut in.

"Well if you don't interrupt me, you might find out. Any more helpful comments to get out of the way before we begin?" he was greeted with intense glares, but silence. "Good. So, our mission is to hunt down Barnes' evil twin."

"Hydra?" Steve asks, being met with a curt nod from Stark.

"Yep. And has been for longer than your buddy," mentioning Bucky, "The only difference between them is that she's better than him in every single way. Enhanced, trained in fighting, oh, and an alien," he says in the most nonchalant voice possible whilst slouching over in the nearest empty chair.

"What do you mean an alien?" Thor booms.

"What do you mean she's better than Bucky?" Steve looks doubtful.

"What enhancements?" Nat this time.

"One at at time, please. Thor, I mean she's from a planet called Valhalla that's apparently in Asgard although how that works I'm not sure." Stark answers, slightly frustrated.

"Interesting. Then how did she get here?" Thor again.

"Unknown as of yet. Right, Rogers, I meant what I said. I believe Fury's exact words were 'She's the most lethal assassin they've ever produced making Romanoff look like a bunny in comparison', so yes, I'm quite sure. And, Natasha, the list is quite extensive so just read it yourself." Tony states whilst throwing a stack of paper onto the table: copies of the file.

"She must be an angel then," Thor replies after reading the part about her having wings, "they are trained from birth to be warriors, so with Hydra's help, she would be no match for any one of us before her powers. I've never seen an angel with any abilities, this is quite extraordinary."

"Anyway, our job is to track her down and detain her. Fury wants her alive." with that, the Avengers leave the briefing room and go to prepare for the mission.

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