The Death {E5}

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<January 18, 1993>
*Felicity PoV*
I saw kids ripping apart Mangle. "Hey! Get out of here!" I scream at them, running over. I pick up Mangle, and all the broken pieces. I think everyone noticed this. I heard footsteps, so I turned around. Nobody was there. I shrug it off, and go into Parts & Service.
I sigh. "I'm sorry this happened, Mangle. I know that your all just kids. I wish I could've saved you all... especially Ellie. I heard chuckling. But nobody was here. "So you want to save the kids? Maybe you should save yourself first..!" The next thing I knew, a knife was thrown at me. It caught on my arm when I moved. "Heh. You move pretty fast." I chuckle. "Well, stop being a coward and fight me face to face!" I smirk. I get thrown to the wall. I could see a faint light hitting the figure. It looked like... Vincent?! But Vincent would never hurt anybody.. so this had to be someone else. I quickly jump over the figure, and run out the door.
I gasp for air. "HELP!" I scream, falling to my knees. Suddenly, everyone bolted out of their work areas. "Woah! Take it easy, Felicity! What happened?!" Chris asked, putting his hand on my shoulder. "Guy... looked like Vincent.. and tried killing me!" Vincent gives a blank look. I heard voices behind me. "I think.. he's the one who killed the kids.." I said, standing up. "He looked so familar, but.. I couldn't think of his name.. he looked like.." Then it hit me. "Grampa." I look behind me, to see the same purple figure. "Damnit... My covers been blown. Looks like I'll have to make this quick!" Grampa jumps, and plunged past me. A sharp object goes through my chest. I pull it out. A knife. My eyes roll back into my head, and I fall.
It was dark. Then, I start crying. "I failed them.. I couldn't save the children.. and put them to rest.." I felt a hand touch mine. "Sissy, you tried your best." I look up. "E-Ellie?" I gasp. "You don't die. Not today. You will survive, and set us free. I'm giving you some of our power." My chest started glowing. "I know you won't fail us.. I love you, sister." Ellie smiles.
I wake up, and shoot up into a standing position. My body was all white. I smile at everyone behind me, and then turn to Grampa. "I won't let you make anyone else suffer." He looked at me. I could tell he was filled with fear. "I can feel your fear." I smile, and jump at him. "DON'T MOVE." A voice said from inside me. I start draining the power out of him. "I'm saving this children, but this means sacrificing myself." I look to Chris, who had tears in his eyes, along with everyone else. "Ellie said she loves you, Vincent." I smile at him. Grampa starts struggling. I add more force. "NOBODY ELSE WILL SUFFER. NOT ANYMORE. I SHALL PROTECT THEM." I said. Then, he disappears. I stand up, and turn back to normal. I limp over to everyone else. "Well.. I never got to tell everyone I loved them. Especially Chris." I heard a voice. "You.. want me to stay? But.. what about you?" I ask, turning around. "Alright." I smile. Knowing that the children wouldn't suffer anymore...



...We had won.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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