Seven: Conversations & Close Calls

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Ally shrugged. "That's true." Ally stood up and grabbed Austin's hand, pulling him up with her. "We should go get ready for the show tonight. You guys coming?"

"Yep," Trish responded.

"Right behind you." Dez stood up, followed by Austin and Trish. The four of them made their way back to the factory, where they had agreed to carpool over to the venue.


later that night

The four friends arrived back at the music factory at around 11:00, still reeling from the excitement of the show. The four of them grabbed their bags and followed Trish to where the bus was parked over on the west side of the mall. Ally yawned and checked her phone. It had been a long past couple of days and she was exhausted. I could go for a nap, she thought.

It didn't take long for them to find the tour bus; it was quite large and had both Austin and Ally's faces on the side, along with their logo. The driver was standing outside of the doors and smiled when he saw them coming. He looked to be in his mid-forties or early fifties, and he wore a baseball cap and sunglasses, despite it being pitch black outside.
"You must be Austin and Ally," he said, reaching out to shake their hands.

"That's us," Austin said. Each of them shook it, smiled, and nodded.

"Nice to meet you two. I'm Thomas, but most people call me Tommy. And you are?" he turned to Trish and Dez.

"I'm Trish and this is our friend, Dez. I'm their manager, I believe we spoke on the phone?" Trish greeted with a half-fake smile.

"Yes, I remember now," Tommy replied. "Well, everything is all set up in there. You can go ahead and make yourselves comfortable." They thanked him and ascended the steps of the bus, and immediately the memories of Austin and Ally's individual tours came flooding back. There was a small kitchen table with a cozy booth surrounding it right behind the driver's seat, and a mini flat screen sat across the aisle next to the brown leather couch. Down the hallway, there was a mini kitchen on the left and four bunks on the right. At the back of the bus was the bathroom and storage space. It was just as nice, if not nicer than the previous buses they had traveled on, and they spent a good five minutes just marveling at their home for the next few months.

"Isn't this nice?" Ally asked Austin, and he nodded.

"Yeah, it is." He plopped himself down on the couch and leaned his head back. "Ahhh..."

Ally sat down beside him and rested her head on his shoulder. "Feels nice to relax, doesn't it?"

"I CALL BEING THE FIRST ONE TO USE THE BATHROOM!" Dez shouted from the back of the bus, and they heard the door slam.

Austin chuckled. "This could be a long three months."

Ally smiled. "At least we're here together, that's all that matters." She closed her eyes and within minutes was out like a light. Austin grinned and lay his head on top of hers. They were both fast asleep only seconds later.

Trish saw them sleeping and grinned. They might be grossly intimate sometimes, but they deserved a break because of the last few days they'd had. She even stopped Dez from grabbing the airhorn he'd brought for some odd reason to wake them up, and while he complained at first, he eventually just put it down and got ready for bed. Trish did the same and a half an hour later, all four of them were snoring happily and well on their way to Jacksonville, where the real adventure would begin.


Around 4:30 A.M., the bus pulled into the hotel. Everyone was still fast asleep, and once Tommy parked the bus, he turned the lights on low in hopes that it wouldn't wake Austin and Ally, who were still snuggled on the couch. A few minutes later, Ally woke up, and smiled when she realized that she was lying on Austin's chest. She still couldn't believe that this wasn't a dream— it sure felt like one. Ally wrapped her arms around him and pulled him closer. Realizing that they should probably start packing up their stuff and heading into the hotel, she tapped Austin lightly on the shoulder.

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