CH 51. Psychic Bonding

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          "Seemed like a far better name than Dog," I answered.

          I looked across the room and noticed that Umbridge was quick to scribble away on her clipboard over every little thing that Professor Trelawney did. At this rate she'd need more parchment soon. "Now, you've been in this post for how long, exactly?" Umbridge asked rudely.

          "Nearly sixteen years" She said as he held up four fingers. This woman was absolutely precious, I hated what Umbridge was doing to her. She looked like she was about to unravel.

          "Well, if you could just predict something for me, then?" Umbridge asked. She walked towards the door like she was about to leave, but held her pen to her clipboard, waiting to scribble away. "Just one tiny prophecy?" She asked further.

          Trelawney looked both confused and insulted. Everyone that actually knew anything about the way visions worked knew that very rarely could they be conjured on demand. Especially prophecies. We watched as Trelawney's eyes shifted back and forth as she tried to think of anything to say.

          "Pity," Umbridge as she turned to leave.

          "No, no, wait, I think I do see something. Ahh, yes...I do, something dark. You...are in grave danger," She said with a hand outreached towards Umbridge.

          "Lovely," Umbridge answered her before walking away scribbling her nonsense. I felt myself slump back into my seat, I felt like that hadn't gone lovely at all. Not in the slightest.

          "Why do you do that potter?" I heard Draco ask next to me?

          I turned to look at him thinking maybe he'd read something that he could be referring to. "What?" I asked.

          "Gawk at people the way you do. As if you're turning everyone's problems into your own? Haven't you already got enough of your own?" He asked.

          "You know, it's not required for you to be an arse all of the time," I told him as I went back to flipping through the pages of my textbook.

          "Not all of the time," He repeated. "Do you really not dream all that often?" He asked, reaching the end of my entries. "I have to say, that's rather boring. Here I was hoping to read all of your secrets."

          "Most of my dreams turn into nightmares," I said and flipped through the pages of his journal.

          "Funny. Thought you'd be dreaming of you poor boyfriend every night," He said and closed my journal.

          "I've told you," I said and looked him in the eye. "You don't know me that well," I told him.

          "Clearly," He responded. "Just seems that you're more like your brother than I thought."

          I looked up at Harry and saw that he had his head down but was looking over at us. Trying as hard as possible to not say anything. He was too far away to hear anything, but that didn't stop him from looking uncomfortable.

          "Now is that because of the company I keep or my distaste for your opinion on it?" I asked him.

          "You're really not intimidated by me, are you?" He asked.

          "Please, you must at least know me better than that," I said. "Are you one of the poor git's that's scared of me?" I asked.

          "Isn't everyone?" He asked.

          Professor Trelawney dismissed class for the day. I had no desire to linger behind and continue my conversation with Draco. I took my belongings and made my way to my potions class that I shared with Fred. Though Snape would hate to admit it, Fred actually did really well at potions. It came in handy whenever he'd come up with an idea for a candy or a prank needing an extra element. It was incredible how he rarely took it seriously, yet he still managed to pass the course. I knew that if he would study more, he'd surpass a lot of people passing the course, myself included.

The Girl who Survived  (Fred Weasley)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora