Chapter 33, "Parallels".

Start from the beginning

Amanda : How are things at your house?

While preparing her lunch, Courteney's on the phone with Amanda, chatting.

Courteney : They're good... besides the fact that I haven't seen Johnny in months though, but Coco and I are doing alright.

Amanda : Yeah, that must be hard.

Assuming Courteney has heard the news about Jen planning on proposing, it's only natural for Amanda to bring it up.

Amanda : Can you believe that Jen and Brad will be engaged soon? I mean I...

Courteney : What? What are you talking about?

Has Brad told her?

Amanda : Haven't you... hasn't she told you?

Courteney : No... who? Jen?

Amanda : Yeah... she's proposing.

As Courteney knows something Jen doesn't, she freezes.

Amanda : Well, don't tell her I told you then. I just assumed she already...

Courteney : When?

Amanda : What?

Courteney : When is she... proposing?

Amanda : I don't know... she mentioned something about his birthday, but...

Courteney : Mhm... you know what. I actually have to go now, Kevin is... well I'll talk to you later.

Amanda : Oh, alright.

Hanging up, Courteney sighs.

Courteney : Fuck.

Brad called her a while back, telling her about this "thing" he was planning on doing.

He wanted to have dinner with Jen at the house, on his birthday, with no other people present. Light some candles, put on some of the old music they used to listen to... and propose.

Coco : Hey mom?

But what is going to happen now... now that they're both planning on doing the same thing?

Coco : What's going on?

It's not like she can tell either of them that the other is gonna propose... that will ruin it for the both of them.

Courteney : Oh... nothing. Nothing.

At Jen's house, a little later.

Brad : I think Maria seemed like a good choice.

Jen : Yeah.

Back home from the Center, Jen and Brad are discussing the surrogates Davis presented to them.

Brad : And she doesn't live that far from us, which is a plus...

Jen : But don't you think she is a little young?

Brad : 25? No... why?

Jen : I don't know... I mean she's got her whole life ahead of her.

Brad : Jen, you do realize that we will be the ones raising this child right?

Jen : Yes... but 9 months, that's a long time.

Brad : Well, I think she knows what she's signed up for.

Jen : I guess you're right.

Feeling his phone vibrate in his pocket, Brad pulls it out to see Courteney's name on his screen.

Jen : Who is it?

Brad : Oh... just someone from work.

Jen : Bullet Train?

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