Dumbledore smiled, "of course. Go pack your belongings, you will be sharing a dorm with your sister while her roommate stays with her friend." I nodded and trudged out of the hospital wing the boys pinned close to my sides.


The three of us entered the Slytherin common room and got a few skeptical glances but no one said anything as we walked up into my room. As we walked in Brianna glanced up and snorted. "What are you doing?! Bringing two boys in here. They aren't even Slytherins they are GRYFFINDORS!"

Ron stepped towards her but Harry pulled his arm. "It's fine Ron, let's just help Y/N." We packed my things placing them in my trunk. Once I finish pulling my photos off the wall, the boys pull my trunk out of the room and I grabbed Naomi's cage and walked out.

We walked through the corridors people gave us confused glances but no one said anything. I kept my head down all the way to Gryffindor tower. We entered the portrait hole and I was bombarded by my family. I just smiled sadly and followed Ginny up to our room.

I unpacked my things, I didn't bother to put my pictures up. Ginny kept giving me sad glances. The room looked exactly like my own just everything was red instead of green. I changed out of my robes and into George's old sweatshirt and some shorts.

I sat on the bed puting my headphones in my ear. I pressed the play button on my iPod and crawled under the blankets rubbing my locket sadly. I sat there for a bit just lost in the music. When I felt the bed around me sink.

I just pulled the blanket over my head and buried my face in the pillow. I felt the blanket being pulled slowly off of me and felt weight on my torso. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Fred and George's hugging my midsection.

I looked around and saw Ginny and Ron were also sitting on the bed. Harry was leaning against the wall next to the bed looking at me with concern.

I lazily pull my headphones out of me ears. The twins let me go and I pull myself up sitting indian style and throwing my hands into my lap. "Are you alright Jellybean?" George sits on one side of me and Fred scooches to the other side.

I shake my head gripping my locket. "no..." My voice sounded hoarse and dry. Ginny grips my hand, there was something in her expression that I just couldn't read. She rubs her thumb across the back of my hand, "I'm so sorry Sissy."

I shake my head tears threatening to fall, "don't be it's not your fault. You didn't do anything." She just looks down and Harry hands me a butterbeer out of Fred and Georges bag. He then joins everyone in siting on the bed.

"Well, if we talk about we will just make you more sad so get up." I open the drink and take a swig and he smiles. I look back down put I feel Ginny release my hand and everyone crawls off my bed with out saying anything. I place the bottle on my nightstand.

Just as I'm am about to crawl back under my blankets my ankles are being pulled towards the edge of the bed. I yelp in surprise and Fred and George each grab one of my wrists and pull me up.

"Perfect!" The two of them say in sync. Ron nods and grabs my hands and starts to swing them back and forth, the two of us dancing to a mute song. I small smile plays across my lips and he pulls me into a tango position swinging me around the room.

George cuts in we dance across the room. I dance with each of them and when it's Ginny's turn she just grins and spins me around. She jumps on my back and I laugh as we fall onto her bed.

We spend the rest of the night just dancing and singing obnoxiously. My family was always the best at cheering me up and their in Ginny's dorm I felt happy, but something nagged at me. I tried to ignore it but I knew what it was, my family wasn't whole. Two people were missing, and it hurt... alot.

The Odd One Out: YEAR TWO.    //COMPLETE//                      {draco x reader}Where stories live. Discover now