Suraj: Actually you know the call I had was from a detective...he wanted to meet in person...he said that he has something to show us...

Jodha ("kanha I hope he found jalal...I can't stay away from him anymore..the only reason I am alive is because of him...if I don't find here then I won't go back home alive...for two years I have visited so many cities hoping that i find jalal...I am losing my patience Kanha...please let this be good news..." she cries and quickly wipes her tears away...) let's go..I want to see (Suraj holds her hand...and leads her inside the restaurant...he leads them to a table where a guy was sitting...he stands up seeing Suraj...

Detective Mehra: Hello my name is your detective

Suraj: This is Jodha..I told you you said that you have something to show us?

Sameer: Please sit down so you guys can check peacefully (both sits down..Jodha plays with her duputta in nervousness...Sameer takes out the photos and places it on the table...Jodha looks at Suraj with tears...she holds the photo in her hand and touches Jalal's face with happiness..."he seems so lost...he is not the same Jalal I knew of...there is no happiness in his eyes anymore...or any emotions...Jalal what have you done to yourself..." her heart pains as she looks at the photo..."Kanha please let me meet him again..please...") My men took some of these photos of him here...they believe that he lives here somewhere

Suraj: do you know his address? or what he does?

Sameer (sighs): Unfortunately, no they haven't come up with any information about his whereabouts...but we are working on it...this is a good start...

Suraj: good isn't good enough...I pay you guys for your services..and so far all you guys have come up with his pictures? We need more (He gets mad but Jodha holds his hand and shakes her head no)

Jodha: Suraj don't get mad...I am happy with the pictures...they were able to give us what other detectives couldn't...I am at peace now to know that he is alive and well...(to Sameer) please find out more information about him as soon as possible...I waited two years for this and you have no idea how happy you made me today by showing me my Jalal's picture

Sameer: Don't worry Jodha...we are doing whatever we can...I can assure you that we will find him and reunite you guys (he smiles at her...)

Suraj: I hope so...and i hope as soon as possible...(Jodha ignores everything...and keeps looking at Jalal's picture...Suraj shakes her) Jodha come on let's go...Mr. Mehra..I hope I hear from you soon

Sameer: You sure will...(All gets up and leaves...)

Suraj: Jodha what do you want to do? We have the whole day ahead of us...

Jodha: I just want to go back to the hotel...

Suraj: Alright...well you go ahead to the hotel I have to do something else...I will meet you soon (he smiles at her...Jodha nodes her head...)

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