𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢.━━━ last dance

Start from the beginning

"I thought I just said-"

"You made yourself very clear, but like you said," the grey eyed girl said icily, "I'm not a Shadowhunter at your beck and call. I'm not a pathetic mundane in distress. So you can rant on for all I care but I do not take orders from you!"

 In silence they followed her. The sound of struggling and fighting, mapping the way. Little did, they know that hidden within the shadows, a silent watcher. Noted their every move.

Fists clenched at Alec but eyes for none but Kiara Chase.

"Damn it!" 

The vampire threw Clary to the ground, Jace was still struggling to fight off the group of vampires, solely focused on bringing him down. This was the scene before the three of them, when they walked in to the room. Jace finally, grabs his seraph blade from the floor and kills two vampires and with the help of Isabelle, they charged at the remaining. 

Kiara hung at Alec's side, wanting nothing more than to kill the vampire, who was beating up Clary. Alec, warned her not to move and notched an arrow, ready to shoot the single vampire. The vampire hissed and roughly pulled Clary in front of him, as a shield, distorting Alec's aim. To Kiara's surprise, Alec smiles.

"Okay." He says simply, switching his target from the vampire to the wall behind him and Clary. The impact, shattered a gaping hole and sunlight streamed in. The vampire yelled in pain and snatched his arm away, it being a direct hit. Midst this confusion, Clary sees an opportunity and whips out a seraph blade, stabbing the vampire swiftly, in the heart. The fighting seized and Jace and Isabelle came back, grinning.

"I killed him." Clary marveled, honestly despite everything, at the back of Kiara's mind, she felt a shard of guilt, every time a vampire fell by her hands.

"He was already dead." Jace pointed out, he gazed at his parabatai, Alec, who said nothing. Kiara ran over to pull Clary in a quick hug, when she pulled away. Clary noticed that something wasn't right in her cousin's eyes and watched Alec accusingly. Isabelle beamed at Clary.

"Plus, he wanted to kill you. Remember that." Isabelle looked over at Jace, "She did great, right?" Jace nodded though he seemed to be distracted by Clary's face.

"Yeah, you did. You should be proud."

"Thanks, but... it's not about me. Let's go find Simon." Clary dismissed, taking Kiara's hand. Kiara smiled to herself.

"Baby's first unselfish words." Kiara muttered and received an elbow, ploughing her ribs.

"Why is it so loud out there?" Simon asked Camille, he was lounging on the couch, while Camille paced the room, restlessly. Camille was unaware of a lot of things, including the fact the vampire failed, two of the hotel's inhabitants were disloyal and Simon's encanto was wearing off, with the excessive intake of vampire blood. "What is that?"

"It's nothing, dearest. A party." Camille waved off, worried and annoyed. "You know the neighbors in these places. Short-term rentals." Simon got up and decided to play along.

"I know. Bloody Marys for everyone." Camille, reaches for the telephone and growls into the line.

"Where is everyone?" His senses flooded back to him; Clary, Kiara, his cat and the dye blond wanna-be is called Jason... or Jace, nevermind.

"Clary! Kiara! I'm here! Simon dashes for the door, surprising Camille but another vampire blocks his way, the same on who kidnapped him.

"I told you, you're a hostage! Accept it!" The vampire, throttles Simon's neck and holds a dagger to his, Adam's apple. Simon struggles, trying to throw him off but the vampire's hold tightens and he presses the dagger closer. "Don't move. I know you wanna find out how this story ends."

"Thank you, Raphael." Camille says, almost bored, "I'll take care of this from here."

"You don't have to bother." Raphael hisses.

"No, honestly. I've had it with this thing." The female vampire gestures to Simon, in disgust. "Give it to me. I'll finish it off."

"Camille, we have a bigger problem. They're almost here and you can't be caught. You're too valuable. Don't worry, I'll kill it." Raphael argues, Camille hesitates and Simon scoffs.

"That's a little excessive, yeah?"

"Shut up." Raphael snarls before nodding to Camille, "take the back passage out through the tunnels. "Go!" 

Camille grimaces and reluctantly retreats, using her vamp speed. 

"Now..." Raphael whispers slowly in Simon's ear, tapping the end of the dagger under Simon's chin.

 "You listen and do exactly as I say... nothing more." Raphael perks up and sniffs the air, his ears craning and relying on his heightened hearing. 

"They're coming." Simon and Raphael turn to face the Shadowhunters pouring into the room.

Kiara's heart skips a beat when she sees Simon's neck issue a few beads of blood, where the dagger lay poised and she gripped her kindjals tighter, at the sight of the blood plastering Simon's temple. Her grey eyes found herself being watched by the vampire holding Simon.

 "Come out, golondrina.." The Kiara giggled and scurried deeper into the wardrobe. Pulling a few items of Magnus's silky clothing on her, to hide beneath. A small flump was heard when a bottle of golden glitter cascaded down on her head, showering her with glitter. Kiara sneezed, the wardrobe doors flung open and Raphael tossed her up in the air before catching her again.

"Look at you, your in trouble now." Raphael tickled her and Kiara hopped out of his arms. Pouting and crossing her arms.

"How did you find me?"

"That's easy; you're terrible at hide and seek, you smell like an angel and  your noisier than a a pair of mating werewolves." 

Kiara sticks out her tongue and runs for the door, only to be blocked by a tall colorful figure.

"Now what have you two done, now? Is that my glitter? NOT the glitter!"

"Simon!" Kiara snaps out of her reverie, thanks to Clary. She whips her head around to see the others but nothing had changed, as if no time has passed since she saw the memory. The vampire-Raphael-still gazed at her curiously.

"Clary! That's not gonna do any good." Isabelle warned.

"Listen to her, Clary Fairchild." Raphael demanded, all traces of friendliness and play, gone compared to the memory.

 "Put it away. I've had more than enough of your friend for one day. I'd love to cut his throat. Don't give me a reason." 

Everyone hesitated, only lowering their weapons. Raphael spat, aggressively--

"Put it away!" Kiara and the Shadowhunters obeyed, reluctantly. Kiara slid her kindjals into the holster around her waist, which Alec had helped equip her with, before coming here. The look on his face, when his fingertips brushed her hips by accident, was priceless.

"Raphael, please... let him go." Everyone directs their attention to her surprised that she knew his name. It was Raphael who spoke, with a little hope in his voice.

"You remember?"

A/N: Can you guess who helped them? Hint: He/She is not from 'Shadowhunters'

I'm thinking... a mini crossover ;)

𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐂━━━ shadowhuntersWhere stories live. Discover now