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This is my first chapter! It's still relatively short, hopefully, they will get longer as we progress.

Coverart: @-mxlkywxy

"Honey! It's time to leave," said my mom from downstairs. I was ready 20 minutes ago, I've been waiting for her so I don't understand why she's acting so annoyed with me. I ran downstairs and mom was already in the fireplace with floo powder in her hand. "The Quibbler!" she yelled almost as soon as I arrived in her eye's view, I followed after-the-fact.

"The Quibbler" I yelled. The green flames were surrounding my figure for a good 1.5 seconds before a whirlwind of movement came about. Soon enough, I was in the Quibbler's office for the first time. My mother worked with the Quibbler for a short amount of time, only because it had just recently been getting larger sales. I, myself, had never been in even the same room as Mr.Lovegood, until today. I go to Hogwarts with Mr.Lovegood's daughter, Luna, but she is a Ravenclaw, and I am a Gryffindor. I'm friends with few people like Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and the Weasleys, but not Luna.

"Ah, Elizabeth! Early as Always! Who might this be? Ophelia, I presume?" said Xenophilius Lovegood, whilst hugging my mom, almost directly after, asking if it was okay to hug me. We were actually 10 minutes late, but only a few people were there apart from Xenophilius and Luna, being Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Rubeus Hagrid, all of which said the Weasley family would be arriving soon. From what I had heard from them, almost everyone from the order would be attending Xenophilius' party. This party was in celebration of Hagrid's hippogriff, Buckbeek's birthday, of course.

Once the Weasleys, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Seamus Finnigan, and few other people I knew from school had arrived, everyone began to socialize as one does at a party. I was talking to Ron, Hermione, and Harry when Ron noticed I kept glancing at Luna.

"Harry, Hermione, Ophelia and I are gonna go get some punch, do you two want anything?" said Ron- interrupting Hermione mid-sentence- again. I could tell this annoyed her, but she actually did want some snacks.

"Uhm, actually I'm not sure what the options are. Mind if I join you?" she responded, with a slightly annoyed tone that we all noticed.

"Yes, I do mind, Hermione, I said Ophelia and I, not Ophelia, Hermione, and I, didn't I? Plus, Who will hang out with Harry while we're gone? Hm?" Ron said back. After being friends with him for so long, I already know that this is nothing new. But he had this even more awkward way of saying this to Hermione. So awkward that I can't tell if he fancies her, or if he was trying to make a point that he wanted to speak to me.

"Oh- I'm sure Harry will be okay for a few minutes- I mean he-"

"Hermione, no," Ron interrupted. He swiftly walked over, pulling me by the collar with him. I could tell I had this wide-eyed look on my eyes when Hermione was about to chase after me and yell at Ron for hurting me. "Ophelia. Do you fancy Luna? I mean as in, your mom's boss's daughter? I mean, bloody hell, I wouldn't blame you. She is beautiful," Ron said quickly after getting far enough away from everyone else.

"Ron, I've never spoken a word to her. How could I fancy her? I mean yes- I find her beautiful and she seems really nice, but no, I don't fancy her." I replied without even a true thought coming into my mind.

"Well then, we need you to talk to her. How have you never spoke to her?" Ron said back, with a devilish look on his face.

"Ron, what are you thinking of do-" I tried to say before he shoved me into Luna's direction. In the next 10 seconds of me almost falling into Luna's arms or walkway, so many thoughts were running through my head. Those 10 seconds felt like 10 minutes. My mind was spiraling. No, I didn't fancy her, I didn't even know her favorite color, or if she liked rain or sun, or if she preferred the movie over the book, or how proud she was of her father and the quibbler. I didn't know if she preferred big spoon or little spoon, or what flavor of tea she liked best. Or what her favorite class at Hogwarts was. Or her birthday for Godric's sake. How could I fancy her if I didn't even know the little things that every girlfriend should know about theirs? I could tell that eyes were on me just by an ominous feeling I had about the fall.

"Oh... I'm sorry. I must be in your way. Or are you falling? Oh my goodness you're falling" said luna when I was at her arm's length. Her voice was soft, but her catching me, however, not so much. She caught me just as I was about to hit the ground and began apologizing profusely.

"I'm so sorry I didn't notice you were falling sooner. That must've been an uncomfortable move."

"Really. You're okay. You still caught me before I embarrassed myself and fell on my arse." I replied, while still in her grasp, and looking over at Ron. He was definitely mouthing something at me but I couldn't figure out what, I've never been good at that.

"Well, now that that's out of the way, what's your name?" 

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