Crime Stoppers

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Steve gasps as he points to the far wall where the kitchen and Rhodey's desk were.

In black spray paint, the Brooklyn Bludgeoners symbol was sprayed on the largest span of wall. Smaller symbols covered the doors and bookshelves. There was a red skull, crossbones, a green pumpkin, an octopus, a black target, and a golden fist.

"Oh god," Steve breathes. "Oh my god."


Steve Rogers <>

To: Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Michelle Jones...


I don't know how else to get in touch with you guys, so whoever sees this make sure you tell everyone. I'm on the phone with the police right now.

I came in to find the Brooklyn Bludgeoners hit our office. They destroyed the place. They stole our computers and other tech and ransacked the place. I'm not sure if it's safe to go back in but I didn't want to risk anything.

I'm waiting for the cops now. We're stuck in the lobby until the police can investigate.

Tell everyone!!



Steve's sitting on the stoop, head in his hands.

Natasha and Clint are running towards the office, their coats flapping behind them. "Is everything okay?" Natasha asks as they come to a halt in front of him.

"Police should be here shortly." He slides his hands to cover the lower half of his face. Steve shakes his head. "It's a mess up there."

"What happened?" Clint asks, crossing his arms.

"I'm not sure. I don't know how to look at the tapes. All I know is that the door was open when I got here and when the crew and I went up to the office, the glass door was shattered." Steve stands and opens the door to the lobby.

Natasha slides in first, taking off her coat. "What did the police say?"

Steve sighs as he leans against Happy's desk. "Just that-"

The door opens to reveal Peter, MJ, and Happy. Peter scrambles to Steve's side, eyes wide. "Oh my god, are you okay? Were they here? What happened?"

"Peter," Steve says, grabbing the boy by the shoulders. "I'm fine. They weren't here when we got here. Just the aftermath."

Peter sags in relief and throws himself in Steve's arms. "Good. I was worried."

Steve smiles as he hugs the boy back.

Natasha fills MJ and Happy in before they all turn to Steve. "What were you saying about the police?"

"They're sending over a few officers to do the initial crime scene stuff, but they mentioned the FBI might come by to get more information."

Natasha and Clint look to one another with relieved sighs. "Coulson."

Steve raises an eyebrow. "Coulson?"

"He's the agent in charge of the Brooklyn Bludgeoners case. They'll send him over to investigate," Clint says.

"Oh, okay," Steve says, still holding Peter. He looks down. "You okay, kid?"

Peter shrugs. "Yes."

"If you're so okay, let go of Steve," MJ challenges.

Peter lets him go, scratching at his head. "I was, uh, comforting Steve."

A Working Romance | Marvel &quot;The Office&quot; AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora