Serena Helps Ash

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(Ash's POV)

On my way to school i had ran into a girl that looked familiar but i didn't think about it and Pikachu looked at me with concern "pika pi" said Pikachu
"Huh oh right sorry buddy I was just thinking about that girl that helped me I can't help but get the feeling I know her.Well Buddy if we don't want to be late on our first day of our new school" I looked at my Pokedex to see the time it was 7:40am I had twenty minutes to get to school or I'll be late on my first day,so I started running to the school to get there in time but I had the feeling like I was being watched but I ignored it cause it wasn't important

(???'s POV)

My partner and I were sitting in the bushes and we saw the target "out of the all the people our boss tells us to target it has to be this boy and his Pikachu"my partner said " I slapped him I over the head "Did You Forget why we were told to target him he has a special connection to Pokemon like no else does so we capture him than take him back to HQ then easy work from there got it" I said " Yep got it" we watched him from the bushes carefully

(Zeraoras' POV)

I jumped from tree to tree trying to find the boy I protected when he was young I stop than contact an old friend by housing my Aura "Lucario old friend what has become of the trainer I asked to keep an eye on"

(Lucario POV)
I ran along side with my trainer when I received a message from my aura "Lucario old friend what has become of the trainer I asked you to keep an eye on" I recognized that voice it was my old that took care of me when I was a Riolu before my trainer found me "Zeraora old friend he is doing well better than I or you ever thought what's urgent matter you contacted me for" I Said " he's in danger I'll do what I can To keep him safe you please do the same I have to go good luck old friend" he said

At the school Ash just got to his locker

(Ash's POV)

I arrive at my locker then as I put my bag inside and closed it someone pushed me over and I land on the floor and I see a with a similar hair to me but longer while I got up he said "Welcome to Kanto high loser freshman " he laughs at me I got upset cause I had a past with bullies and I know when I see a bully than i said to him "Hey why don't watch were going " all the students around us went silent and looked at me with surprise then as the long haired boy looked at me with surprise shock and disgust that somebody dare talk back to him "What did you just say " he said now he looked angry "I said watch were your going if you didn't hear first time you must be deaf" all the students look amazed by me standing up to the biggest bully in the school he even looked at me even angrier then before then the boy stormed up to me and then pushed me into the lockers and said"Excuse me who gives the right to talk to me like that I'm in charge of the school I run it so next time watch your mouth"he said than he let go of me and walked away and I knew I was push the now but I didn't care someone needed to teach him a lesson than an idea hit "How about a pokemon battle winner earns the school's respect loser will be humiliated deal" I said hoping if he said no infront of the whole school he'd look like a coward when he backed out "No I don't have time to Battle weak trainers like you " he said he did what I hoped he'd do " What's the matter scared you'll lose " I said cause I was smirking and all the students gasped by what I just did and then I got the reaction I was hoping for he looked angry but in a disappointed way which meant that if he backed down he'd look like a coward then he stormed up to me and pinned me against the wall "FINE I'll battle you but I won't lose and I'll humiliat you infront of the whole school on the school battlefield in a week better be ready oh yeah I forgot to you something "he said than he punched me in face so hard he knocked but before I hit my was bleeding a little and that's when everything went black"

(Serena's POV)

I saw most of the whole school around a couple of guys one of them was calem my childhood friend but now he was nothing more than a big jerk and the the other was the new kid I helped on my way to school and when everyone disbanded from them I saw the new kid on the floor unconscious and bleeding I ignored him him for a few seconds but my heart told me to help him so ran I ran to the school nurse as I walked in she was talking to her Chansey and Wigglytuff and then she saw me and asked "hello Serena how can I help you " She asked in a sweet caring tone " Um nurse Joy I need your help the new boy is lying unconscious on the floor in the hallway and he's bleeding "nurse Joy look shocked and asked me to take her to him and she saw his Pikachu was trying to wake him up but nothing happened and nurse Joy asked Chansey and Wigglytuff to take him to the infirmary and nurse Joy followed them and just when I was about to do the same Ash's Pikachu came to me and I saw he a couple pictures in his mouth why he brought them to me I have no idea I took them from i saw which I thought was adorable it the new boy as a baby wrapped in a blanket holding a pokeball plush toy while sleeping in his mom's arms

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