Return of the Queen

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"I came to seek the wise council of the centaurs, and to offer my services to the good people of Narnia," she said, still hesitant to reveal her identity.

"You are no Telmarine," the prince remarked.

"Why would we want your help?" the Black Dwarf from earlier suddenly interjected. "I rather think one human is quite enough."

Steeling herself, Margaret answered, "I am not just any human."

The Narnians gazed at her intently, and her will almost faltered, but she forced herself to continue.

"I am Margaret the Resilient, Queen of Narnia, Lady of the Stars. I was taken from this world by magic, and I return to you now at Aslan's will to right the wrongs of the Telmarine invaders; to restore peace to Narnia and see its people freed."

Murmurs of disbelief rippled through the gathering.

"Queen Margaret?" Caspian said in awe. It was then that Margaret noticed what was hanging from his belt.

"Susan's Horn..." she whispered. Intently, she fixed her gaze on Caspian's. "Is that what called me home?"

Before he could answer, that same Dwarf scoffed loudly.

"The Lady of the Stars?" He sneered. "All of the Kings and Queens vanished centuries ago." He looked her over with disdain, but seemed to relent at the sight of her flame colored hair. "Very well, if you're really Queen Margaret... The legends say that she knew each and every star by name. So tell me, Your Majesty, what is the name of that one?" he demanded, jabbing his finger at a random spot in the sky.

"Nikabrik!" the Badger scolded. "Don't be impertinent. Can you not see from her appearances alone that she is who she claims to be? There has never been another in this world with hair of flame and eyes of steel."

The Dwarf, Nikabrik, waved him off dismissively.

"A resemblance to a legend is not proof enough, Trufflehunter."

The centaurs gathered at the Lawn said nothing, they merely observed.

Margaret raised an eyebrow.

"Canagrinn does not take kindly to rude pointing, Friend Nikabrik," she said. "He is the Lord of Justice, you see, and he has seen too many fingers waved in false accusation." She looked around at the rest of the Narnians. "But to our fortune, he tells me that his day to shine all the brighter is soon at hand."

Nikabrik narrowed his eyes at her, but nevertheless turned his gaze to the centaur that stood at the front of the others.

"Well, Glenstorm?" he demanded. "What of it?"

"Glenstorm?" Margaret said softly. "Named for the son of Oreius and Clemendia?"

The centaur nodded.

"My ancestors of many ages ago, my lady," he said, bowing his head to her. Then, he turned to Nikabrik. "She is who she says she is, Dwarf. Aslan has sent our Queen back to us."

Glenstorm turned back to Margaret and bowed at the waist, and the rest of the centaurs followed suit.

"Queen Margaret, Lady of the Stars, Oracle of Aslan and Seer of Narnia, you are the Patron Lady of the Centaurs who keep watch over the stars," he addressed her formally. "My sons and I welcome you home."

"Thank you, Glenstorm," she said kindly. Then, she recalled the Telmarine at her side. "Prince Caspian..."

He looked to her with an expression that she couldn't quite place, almost as if he were about to relent leadership to her, but in her heart, Margaret knew the course which had been set must be completed. After all, what would become of her people if she took charge and named herself sole leader, only for her vision to be fulfilled? No, if she were to die, it would be best for the people to trust another as well. Aslan must have known this...

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