Gifts Long Overdue

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"This is all your fault," Susan spat.

"My fault?" Peter said.

"None of this would've happened if you had just listened to me in the first place!"

"So you knew this would happen?"

"I didn't know what would happen. Which is why we should've left while we still could!"

"Stop it!" Lucy shouted, finally interrupting the two of them. "This isn't going to help Edmund."

"She's right," Mr. Beaver said. "Only Aslan can help your brother now."

Peter looked at his sisters, then at Maggie, and back to Mr. Beaver.

"Then take us to him," he said firmly.

Beaver nodded. "We'll need supplies... Come on, let's get back to the dam."

With that, he started back the way they'd come, doubly more wary now, with how close they were to the Witch's lair. Lucy followed him closely, and Susan trailed behind after a dark glance at Peter, who hesitated.

Maggie sighed and went on ahead. Peter came up beside her.

"About what you said..." he began, but she shook him off.

"It's not important."

"How much have you dreamed about?" he pressed.

Maggie sighed. "Not all that much, if you can believe it. I know it seems like it, but... it's all so confusing and frustrating. When I dream, it isn't clear like watching a movie. It's more like opening your eyes underwater. Everything is just a little fuzzy, and the sounds come in and out of being muffled. The ones that are clear don't make sense at all. Nothing about me makes sense. I mean, why am I even here? Why am I a part of the prophecy? You four, it makes sense. You're siblings, you were all bound to find Narnia together. But... I'm not even from the same century. It just... doesn't make sense."

Peter didn't know what to say to that.

"Every time I've dreamed, it was the night before I came here," she said softly. "That has to mean something, right?"

"Maybe," Peter said. "What other kinds of things have you seen?"

Maggie shrugged noncommittally, keeping back from the others a bit as they talked and walked, as if she didn't want them to overhear.

"Just... snippets, really. Me being able to get back through the wardrobe. The way to Tumnus' house. Edmund talking with the Witch. What would happen if you went after your brother. And..." she trailed off.

"And?" Peter asked. But they had arrived back at the dam now, and Maggie used that as her opportunity to dodge the conversation.

"I'd better go and help the Beavers pack..." she said, trying to brush past him. The others had already ducked inside.

Peter caught her by the arm, stopping her.

"Maggie..." he sighed.

"I'm not one of your little siblings, Peter..." Maggie said, avoiding his gaze. "I'm not your responsibility."

Just then, a wolf howl rang out in the distance. The two of them looked at each other, eyes wide, then quickly headed in.

"Hurry, mother!" Mr. Beaver called, "They're after us!"

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