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Pari....where did you hide?"

"Don't irritate your Mata. Come here. " She huffed and tucked the loose strands of her hair behind her ear.

"What happened Uttara?" Uttered a melodious voice from behind.

"See, Pragati, this naughty bunny has hidden somewhere." My Mata complained.

"Oh, Jiji give me the tumbler. I'll feed him."

Mata gave the milk tumbler to Bua and stepped to exit the room.

I am not the one to leave my Mata so easily. I came rushing towards her from behind the white pillar and immediately grabbed her with my plump hands.

She caressed my hair and took me to her arms. She giggled while kissing my cheeks.

"Are you not mad at me?" I enquired.

"Yes, of course. Now, come and drink the milk."

"Here's it." Pragati Bua handed me the silver tumbler.

I gulped down the whole white liquid even if I hate it.

Meanwhile, Mata started nudging Bua's elbow.

"Tell me, what Prince Rudraksh and you were talking about that day?"

I don't know why but Bua turned terribly pink as she started speaking about that unknown prince.

"I finished the milk." I announced proudly showing off the white lather above my lips.

Pragati Bua laughed and cleaned the mess on my face with her pallu.

"Your pallu got wet, Bua." I frowned.

"It will dry, soon. Honey". She kissed my forehead and I ran away from the chamber.

 She kissed my forehead and I ran away from the chamber

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It was a nice spring day and my Mata was feeding me Kheer.

As always, I was running around and Mata was behind me sometimes yelling and giggling the next while.

Suddenly, drums rolled.

" Dwarkaratna Rajkumari Suthanu Devi...."

"Jiji has come." Mata squealed in delight.

The doors opened with a big thud and I sprang up.

Both the Ladies hugged each other and exchanged sweet conversations.

After a while, Suthanu bua held her hands to embrace me. I rose up and trotted to receive her embrace.

"Gently Pari...don't hurt her." Mata squealed with a glint of warning me.

"Oh, okay, Uttara. My Pari can never hurt me. " She said embracing me and showering lots of kisses.

But, there was something different this time.

Why did Suthanu bua become so fat in these months? She was never like that.

I scratched my little head to ponder over the matter.

Has she hidden a pot behind her pallu?

Suthanu Bua and Mata giggled at my quizzical expressions.
Gauging my thoughts, Mata said, "Pari, you will soon be getting a cousin."

"Cousin?" I was bewildered. That means a new brother or sister to play with.
"When? Tell me."

Mata looked at Suthanu Bua, mischief pooling her eyes. On the contrary, Bua had turned beetroot red while rubbing her mammoth belly.

It was decided that Suthanu bua will stay with us till our new cousin comes.

I accompanied Bua to the palace garden before dusk.

"Bua!!" I said. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course,Putra".

"Once, Pitamah Sahadev was telling me that Bhanu means the Sun!"

"Oh, yes." She chukkled.

"So, he also told me that we get burnt if we touch the sun!" I exclaimed.

"He taught you right." She caressed the sunflowers lightly between her fingers.

"But, Rajkumar Bhanu....when he pulls my cheek, I don't get burnt. According to Pitamah, he must be Surya himself.."

Bua laughed at her heart's content. Her melodious ringing of laughter made the garden even more vibrant.

"And when that day...you both were here..in the gardens itself. You didn't get burnt.." I turned to her quizzically.

"What?" Suddenly Bua gaped turning her eyes to two big ladoos. I could see faintly she was turning red. "What were you doing then?"

"I was playing within the daffodils." I giggled as she tickled me all over.

"Pragati Bua took me there.." Before I could complete she grunted. "Pragati...You.."

"No..no..she was picking some daffodils." I tried to pacify her but in vain.

Oh, to the readers.
I forgot to introduce myself.
I am Parikshit or Pari.
Just a five-year old boy who loves archery and annoying his Mata. I had a really big family *stretches both hands wide apart* but....as you all know God had taken them before I could meet any of them. That doesn't mean the rest of my Pitamahs, pitamahis, kakashree, Bua, or Mata love me less. Absolutely not.

It would be an honour if you share the book among your loved ones and help me reach to a greater audience.

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