"help" I let out a small whimper as i blinked through tears, heaving for air.

3rd POV

"peter. peter? peter? PETER? Dude are you ok? dude?" Ned sat down at the lunch table where Peter sat, almost completely motionless, staring at his food. Ned waved a hand in front of the boy's face but the boy didn't even blink. Ned knew from his mother's problem with sleep walking that it was probably unwise to shake him or move him at all: so he waited. He took out one of his cookies and placed it in front of Peter for when he 'woke up' so to say. Ned didn't have much hope that the cookie would be eaten however, Peter's lunch had barely been touched.

If he was being honest, Ned didn't really know what was going on. He was scared for his friend. The boy in question was occasionally wincing and a small tear rolled down his face before he whispered out a small whimper "help"

Ned was worried more than ever, but grew slightly more relieved when Peter started blinking out of whatever trance he was in, gasping for air.

Ned put his hand on his friend's shoulder "Are you ok bro?"

Peter flinched away but nodded nonetheless. "I'm fine Ned, don't worry"


"What?" Peter looked up in confusion.

"I said bull, Peter. You've been acting weird for weeks, barely touching your food and daydreaming or whatever for what seems to be 5 minutes. You've been weird since you started hanging around with Liz. So I call bull. What's going on with you?"


"I'll ask your dad"

"Mr. Barnes isn't my dad Ned, I slipped up one time"

 "Stop changing the subject Peter, what's wrong?"

"I- it's really nothing Ned, just- remembering some stuff" He says, taking a small sip from his water bottle.

"Peter! what 'stuff' is so bad that you were shaking? Stop lying to me man, you can tell me anything"

"It's- it's just Vulture stuff man"

"Oh, yeah, didn't you arrest that guy?"

"Yeah... I did"

"Who was he anyways?"

"Adrian- A-Adrian Toomes"

"Isn't that Liz's dad?"



"Yeah, he- he um knew who I was before- before the plane thing"

"He knew? And he didn't do anything?"

"He um, he did something, but I don't want to talk about it"

"C'mon ma-"

The bell rang out interrupting the two boys.

"Gotta run"


And with that, Peter had ran out the canteen and made his way towards his next lesson. His lunch untouched and cold.

"Oh so he wants to play that game?" Ned muttered.

Ned sighed, packing up his bag and getting up, sliding his phone out of his pocket. He scrolled through the contacts for a moment before clicking the one titled: In Case Of Emergency.

Dear Mr. Barnes, This is Ned Leeds, Peter's best friend. He's been acting weird for a couple months and he won't answer me when I ask what's wrong, I figured he'd talk to you because he once referred to you as dad. It was very adorable, but I'm getting off topic. I think it has something to do with Adrian Toomes or 'the vulture' please can you get in touch and talk to him? I'm worried. Thank you, Ned

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