Chapter Fifteen - The Wave Logic

Start from the beginning

Alexa rolls her eyes, “Well did he at least kiss you?” I avoid her gaze causing her to squeal, “He so did! Tell us!”

I sigh, “We kissed when he dropped me off. No big deal.”

This causes them to ramble off into their own little fairy tales of how we’re going to fall deeply in love with each other because of that ‘magical’ kiss. They shoot questions at me, like if I felt fireworks or if I’d do it again. They continue to fire questions like this my way but are so worked up that they don’t even wait for an answer. They’re discussing my freaking wedding and how cute my babies will be when I finally snap, “We will not be getting married or having babies because I didn’t even feel anything! I was thinking of a different guy the whole time!” I shout frustrated.

Abruptly, they stop talking and look at me with gaping mouths. I jump of the bed, go over to my doors, and look out at the pool trying to sort through my thoughts. 

"What do you mean, you were thinking of someone else the whole time?" Harper says hesitantly from behind me. 

I guess I'm going to have to tell them. It's kind of good though. I need to tell someone other than my Mum so they can give me advice. I pinch the bridge of my nose and spin around slowly, my voice is slightly regretful, "Remember that time in the car Harper and you accused me of liking that guy and I said if it ever happened you'd be the first to know." I leave out that I already told my Mum but whatever. I look at her dead on, "Well, it happened."

She looks at me with wide eyes, "No way Ara! I was always joking; I didn't think it would ever happen!"

"Yeah will it did." I mutter, turning back to look out the window.

Alexa groans loudly, "Would someone please tell me what's going on!" 

After a moment, Harper realises I'm not going to say anything because I don't turn around. So from behind me, I hear her mumble it quietly to Alexa, "Arabelle here, is falling for Keaton.

There's a gasp and I know for a fact without turning around, they are both staring at me. I sigh, "I didn't mean for this to happen. Hell, I didn't want this to happen. I don't know, he's just so nice. Not like Wes who's a dick to me, that I can deal with. But I've always had a soft spot for Keaton and with the whole thing about missing home and him taking me out. It was just ... Really nice and somewhere along the way, I guess … I fell for him." 

Harper gets off the bed and wraps her arm around me, followed closely by Alexa who does the same. She squeezes me comfortingly, "It's okay Ara, it's understandable. It's not a sin to start liking one of your friends." 

"But it's never happened to me before." I whine, "I hate it. I hate feeling like this." 

Harper rubs my arm gently, "Hey hey, it will all work out in the end." 

"How am I supposed to act normal around him now?" 

"It will be easier than you think Ara, don't worry. My cousin was in the same situation last year and she said she actually found it easy to get along with him as if nothing was the matter, she was only more aware of him and his actions." 

Harper pauses a moment, unsure whether to say what's she thinking, "You know ... You could always tell him." 

I snap out of their embrace and actually laugh, "Yeah like that's ever going to happen. That'll ruin our friendship for sure." 

She shrugs, "You might as well try because at the end of the day a lot of fan girls are after him and he's not going to be available forever.

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