Chapter 4

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We were outside running to a wall? "Why are we at a wall?" I say tilting my head. "It's cute when you tilt your head." Norman says chuckling. My face had a slight tint of red. "SHUT IT!" I yelled at Norman as I pout. Norman only chuckles at my actions. "We're here bc of when we and Norman discovered this place is surrounded by a wall that's shaped like a hexagon." Emma says pointing at the wall. "And we're suppose to climb it?" I say looking at Emma. She nods. "Maybe if we try to climb it now we can have the others practice as well then we"ll be out of here in no time!" Emma says cheerfully. "It's not gonna be as a easy as it sounds." Ray says leaning on a tree. "I agree with ray." I said as a looked back the wall. I looked at the tree and climbed it. I forcefully jumped on the wall and started climbing it. It's like I was spider man or something🗿. "What's it like over there!?" Emma shouts. I was going to say something till I trip back and fell hitting my back. "ACK-" I yelled in pain. "(M/N)!?" Emma says panicking running over to you.

Time skip!
Your back was completely fine, you were happy about that. Right now you were hanging out with Gilda and Don. They treated you like they were parents. It made you laugh you gotta say they were better parents than mom. ((WOAHHH ISABELLE SLANDER I SEE?)) as I got up ((oh M/N'S POV btw)) I walked around alone in the forest. Until I trip over what it seemed like a pebble. I scoffed at what I have tripped over and rested by a tree closing my eyes falling asleep on accident.

((Nightmare POV))
(M/N) walked around in the cold night he was freezing. He shivered and continued walking. He then tripped over something it was Conny's Body. (M/N) backed away covering his mouth till he looked up and saw a demon standing right infront of him.
He covered his eyes knowing what was going to happen but then a old lady walked out of shadows and held out her hand (M/N) had no idea what he agreed to but grabbed her hand. ((I think you know where this about to go.))
End of Nightmare.

I woke up panting in Mom's arm. I'm guessing she found me in the woods when I fell asleep. A swarm of children were happy that I was found. I smiled at them. After that mom put me down and I ran inside children following me and I set them straight to bed.
After that I couldn't stop thinking of that dream.

Who was that Old lady...?

Sorry that this is short! I've been busy a lot with school but I promise to update as soon as possible!

The Promise Neverland x Male!ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz