The Ceremony

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Slowly, the guests entered. The first one was a handsome man with dark hair and turquoise ringed with gold eyes - Galan Ashryver, the Crown prince of Wendlyn. He was followed by Ansel of Briarcliff, the Queen of Western Wastes. Ilias greeted Aelin while Captain Rolfe gave a rather small smile.

Ansel immediately went to Aelin, wishing her a happy birthday. lias shyly congratulated her in his hoarse voice.  Aedion and Galan talk for a while.

"So, shall we begin?" Lysandra said, this time a bit loudly.

They all agreed. The ceremony went on quite smoothly.

The members of the Inner court swore the solemn oaths.

"Now wear these rings as a mark of your devotion." Galan said and placed a tray with seven identical silver rings. Each wore it in the name of Terrasen. Then, he brought three identical silver daggers telling Aelin, Rowan and Aedion to keep. Aelin and Rowan were officially crowned the Queen and King of Terrasen. Aedion was made the general of Terrasen army while Lysandra was crowned the Lady of Caraverre. Elide and Lorcan became the Lady and Lord of Perranth. Fenrys was made the Royal Advisor. They sang songs in old language in praise of the Gods and Goddesses and then finally the song of Terrasen.

After the ceremony, they walked towards the door leading to the outside of the castle and stopped at the stairs to have a look at the citizens. Aelin, with the silver ring on her hand, the dagger sheathed at her waist and the platinum crown on her head, walked in front of the group. She almost wept when she saw the people of Terrasen no, no, HER people celebrating. The people were on the streets, blessing her and her court. Some even climbed up the nearby roofs to catch a glance of the new monarch. They had never had such joy in years and Aelin was happy she could give it to them. They have been through dark days but no more. She pushed a tear off her cheek with a finger and then waved at the crowd. Fearing more would fall, she quickly turned around to go back in the castle, motioning others to do the same.

She was right. More tears began flowing down as soon as entered the Crown court again. She calmed herself down and led others to the second floor dining room for lunch. The whole table was filled with exquisite dishes - clearly, a feast in honor of the new Queen. They all started devouring the food. Sure, the ceremony wasn't physically exhausting but the emotional pressure was too high.

"You all are staying here tonight?" Aelin asked, serving herself some more roasted potatoes.

"No, no. We'll be off after the lunch." Ansel replied.

"Come on. Stay till the evening." Aelin compromised.

But they just shook their heads. They had things to look after. She really wished they could have stayed a bit longer. Emrys came with a whole tray of desserts and kept it on the already crammed-with-food table. 

Aelin came to the red-haired queen, taking her into a small hug as they left. Ilias and the others shook hands while Rolfe just went with a nod. The new guests had gone just as quickly as they had came. Rowan was supervising the work of the training grounds so, Aelin was now in her room with no company except dear Fleetfoot. The dog seemed to love this alone time with her as she danced around Aelin. Now that she was alone, Aelin thought about her birthday party. Rowan wouldn't speak a word and every time she would mention it, Lysandra would give her that sweet smile which she would give when she does something mischievous.

"I hope it is not too wild." Aelin said louder than intended as she patted her canine friend.

Wish Aelin a Happy Birthday!


Memeismeme : )

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